
Monday, July 29, 2013

蘑菇鸡肉派 Mushroom Chicken Pie

妹妹说要带鸡派上班当午餐, 所以跟我点了这个鸡派。 一直以来对做派皮没有什么信心, 虽然没有彻底的失败, 但是却也还没有到自己满意的阶段。 因此看了几个食谱, 选了这个步骤比较详细, 也没有太高难度的来尝试。 

出处: 简易食谱

  • 面粉 160g
  • 盐 1/8tsp
  • 奶油, 冷冻取出切块 90g
  • 柠檬皮削 1/4tsp
  • 冷水 3Tbsp
  • 柠檬汁 2tsp
  • 洋葱 (切粒)1/2个
  • 蒜头 (拍扁切碎)2粒
  • 培根, 切块 50g
  • 熟鸡胸肉100g
  • 胡萝卜, 切丁 50g
  • 蘑菇 6个
  • 粟粉 3tsp
  • 鸡汤 160ml
  • 鲜奶油 85ml
  • 干百里香1/2tsp
  • 蛋液半个
  1. 面粉和盐筛入一个大盘, 加入冷冻牛油粒, 用刀子拌匀。 用手指尖把牛油刮进去面粉中。 间中用两手指尖松开面粉, 成面粉碎粒。 拌入柠檬削。 
  2. 先倒进2Tbsp冷水和柠檬汁, 拌匀。 然后逐渐加入剩余的水份, 拌成团。 
  3. 把面团放在撒上面粉的表面, 轻轻搓揉球形, 压扁成碟形, 用保鲜纸包好, 放入冰箱冷藏25-30分钟。 
  1. 用中火烧热油锅, 加洋葱炒至软, 放入蒜头爆香, 加入培根翻炒。 下蘑菇, 萝卜, 鸡肉, 撒下干百里香, 拌匀。 煮至蘑菇熟透。 
  2. 把2Tbsp的鸡汤和3tsp的粟粉拌匀, 备用。 
  3. 把其余的鸡汤, 倒入蘑菇鸡肉馅料中, 煮至大滚, 加入粟粉鸡汤, 煮至浓稠, 加入鲜奶油, 再煮约1分钟。 加盐和胡椒粉调味, 把馅料放入碗中, 待凉备用。 
  1. 把面团冰箱取出, 放在撒上面粉的工作台, 把面团擀平, 然后用模型切成派模大小, 放入派模中, 用到割出多余的面团。 用手轻压边缘, 用叉子在派底刺洞, 铺上烘焙纸, 上面放瓷珠(豆类或米), 放入预热200‘C的烤箱, 烤大概15-20分钟, 或直到边缘微黄色。 
  2. 取出, 放入馅料, 用另一个模型割出圆形,铺在上面, 沿边压紧收口, 用叉子在边缘按上花纹装饰。 涂上蛋液。 
  3. 放入烤箱, 继续烤20-25分钟, 或表面金黄色。 
Mushroom Chicken Pie
Source: Christine's Recipe 
Ingredients of pie shell:

  • 160 gm plain flour / all-purpose flour
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 90 gm chilled unsalted butter, diced
  • 1/4 tsp lemon zest
  • 3 Tbsp iced water
  • 2 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
Ingredients of fillings:
  • 1/2 onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 50 gm bacon, diced
  • 6 button mushrooms, about 85 gm 
  • 50g  carrot, diced
  • 100 gm cooked chicken breast, diced
  • 3 tsp corn flour / corn starch
  • 160 ml chicken stock
  • 85 ml whipping cream
  • 1/2 tsp thyme
  • 1/2 egg, whisked 
To make pastry:
  1. Sift flour and salt into a large mixing bowl. Add diced butter and stir with a knife. Rub the butter into the flour with your finger tips, lifting the flour from the bottom up on top, until the mixture looks like coarse breadcrumbs. Mix in lemon zest.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of the chilled water and lemon juice to flour mixture. Add the rest of the chilled water bit by bit until the mixture comes together into a ball. The dough should leave bowl clean.
  3. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and lightly knead by hand until smooth. Don’t over knead the dough. Roll into disc shape. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill in fridge for about 25 to 30 minutes. 
To make fillings:
  1. Heat oil over medium-high heat. Saute onion until softened. Add bacon and cook until oil is released. Saute garlic and cook until aromatic. Add mushroom, carrot and chicken. Sprinkle thyme and combine well. Cook until the mushroom turns soft.
  2. In the meantime, mix 2 tablespoons of chicken stock with 3 teaspoons of cornflour. Set aside.
  3. Pour the rest of chicken stock into the mushroom and chicken mixture. Bring it to a boil. Continue to cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Stir in the cornflour mixture and cook to your preferred consistency. Add whipping cream. Season with salt and pepper. Turn off the heat. Transfer the fillings into a large bowl and let it cool for a while.
To assemble and bake the pie:
  1. Preheat oven to 200'C.
  2. Remove thedough disc from fridge. Place on a lightly floured surface. Use a rolling pin to roll out into a circle, use a cookie cutter to cut into round shape to fit the mould.  Trim the edge. Save the trimmed dough for decoration. Prick the base with a fork. Line with baking paper and place ceramic beads, or beans, or rice on top. Transfer to the preheated oven for blind-baking, about 15 to 20 minutes, until the edge becomes lightly brown.
  3. Remove the pie shell from oven. Put away the beads. Roll out the smaller dough disc into a circle similar to the size of the mould. Spoon the fillings into the shell and cover with the dough disc. Crimp the edges to seal and score the top pastry. Use the trimmed dough for decoration. Egg wash the pie.
  4. Bake in the preheated oven, for about 20 to 25 minutes, until golden. Serve hot.
步骤看起来还真不简单, 所以我也在厨房团团转了好几个小时, 新鲜美味的蘑菇鸡肉派才出炉。 还好付出的心思和时间都是值得的, 这次的派算最成功的一次了。 因为有先把派皮烤过, 所以派皮很香脆, 而且派底也不会软绵绵的。 至于馅料也很丰富, 加了鲜奶油的确香很多。 一开始煮馅料, 加入鲜奶油的时候, 我觉得有点太水, 以为加太多了, 还好酱料冷切后, 酱汁比较浓稠就刚刚好了。 有时间的话, 大家可以尝试这个, 虽然有点不大简单, 但是我觉得值得一试, 有机会我会再做的!


  1. 我也是不太会捏塔皮呀

    1. 哈哈, 我都是乱来的啦, 然后相信熟能生巧, 所以就不断的练习, 反正给家人吃, 外貌不好还可以接受。

  2. Replies
    1. 谢谢, 当午餐或者下午茶都可以!

  3. Wow this looks extremely yummy, saliva drooling!! The steps do complicated I can't make it myself. Can I place order like Sze queen? Hahaha

    1. Haha, you can order, if I got time I bring some to you when I go KL, hehe.

  4. 啊呀!这个我喜欢!看来我也得快试试弄些来吃了!

    1. 哈哈, 这个噢, 家人都赞好, 我自己也很喜欢!

  5. I love how sturdy the top looks! And very pretty with the flower on top!

    1. Thanks! This is my first try and I really love this recipe :)

  6. Min, your pies looks delicious. Pastry looks great too. I can imagine biting into a hot steaming pie ....

    1. Thanks! I''m lucky that the pies turn out great, will definitely do this again in future!

  7. 好好吃的鸡肉派哦。就口水了。

    1. 有机会你试试看, 不会让人失望的。

  8. Are u sure u can bring for me, thanks thanks hahaha

  9. 这是我的家人最喜欢的, 等有空一定会动手!

  10. Min, 满满陷料的鸡肉派看来好吃!喜欢那头上的一朵花!
