
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Pandan Ogura Cake 班兰相思蛋糕

又来做一个相思蛋糕了, 这次选的是比较朴实的班兰香味。 相思蛋糕做了好几次, 它的口感每次都不会让我失望, 所以它受欢迎是有原因的。 蛋糕散发出淡淡的班兰香味, 拿来配搭咖啡当下午茶, 陪我渡过一个满足又有意义的周末。

  • 蛋黄93g (大概5个A size)
  • 全蛋 58g (1个A size)
  • 植物油 40g 
  • 椰浆/鲜奶 80g, 加入15片班兰叶用食物调理机搅烂, 去90g的汁备用
  • 低筋面粉 85g
  • 蛋白184g (大概5个Asize) 
  • 细糖 85g 
  • 塔塔粉 1/4tsp
  1. 预热烤箱160'C. 方型活动模底部铺上烘焙纸,模型周边抹上油再撒上少许低筋面粉。 用铝箔纸包好模型的周围。 
  2. 蛋黄和全蛋混合好, 搅拌均匀。
  3. 加入植物油, 拌匀。 加入班兰汁, 混合。 
  4. 筛入面粉再搅拌均匀。 把面糊过筛, 让蛋糕出来的组织更细腻。 
  5. 塔塔粉和蛋白混合,  用电动搅拌器打至起泡, 分三次加入细糖, 搅打至湿性发泡就可以。 
  6. 去1/3的蛋白糊加入蛋黄糊, 拌匀。 再去1/3加入, 拌匀, 最后加入全部的蛋白糊, 用刮刀让它们混合。 
  7. 面糊倒入烤盘, 上下敲几下去除大的泡泡。 
  8. 以160‘C,35分钟,然后140‘C 35-40分钟。 以水浴发烘 (就是把烤盘放在一个装有水, 较大的烤盘) 。注意上色。出炉后,倒扣放凉。(我直接用160’C烤60分钟)

Pandan Ogura Cake
*for a 7” square aluminium pan (NOT a non-stick), removable bottom
  • 5 egg yolks ( A size) 93g
  • 1 whole egg (A size) 58g
  • 40g vegetable oil
  • Blend 15 pandan leaves with fresh mik/coconut milk (around 80g)  to get 90g of pandan juices
  • 85g cake flour 
  • 5 egg white (A size) 184g
  • 85g caster sugar
  • 1/4tsp cream of Tartar (I omitted)
1. Pre-heat oven to 160C and place racking at the 2nd from lowest. Grease the side of the pan with corn oil, dust with cake flour, then line paper on the bottom. Also wrap with a piece of aluminium foil (half of cake pan) and secure it.
2. Add whole egg with egg yolks, lightly stir well with balloon hand whisk.
3. Add in corn oil, stir well to combine. Add in pandan juices , mix well.
4. Add in cake flour and stir to mix well. Sift through the batter with a strainer into a clean mixing bowl (To have fine crumbs).
5. Add cream of tartar into egg white, beat till foamy. Gradually add in sugar in 3 batches and beat till soft peak formed (when you lift up and upside down the bowl, meringue stay still on the bowl).
6. Take 1/3 meringue and mix with egg yolk batter using a balloon hand whisk. Change to silicone spatula, fold in 1/3 of meringue till slightly combine, then fold in balance 1/3 meringue and gently fold till mix well. Pour batter into the prepared cake pan (pour from 2’ height as to remove air bubbles), also lightly tap on countertop to remove air bubbles.
7. Place cake pan in another bigger pan ( about 1” extra but not too big), fill with hot water about 1cm height. Bake at 160C for 35mins, reduce to 140C for 35-40mins. Every oven is difference, please adjust temperature accordingly. (I used 160'C for 60 minutes)
8. You may invert the cake after took out from oven (if you don’t face cake surface stick to wire rack problem), otherwise remove cake from the entire cake pan as soon as it took out from oven, this is to minimize shrinkage. Let it continue to cool completely on a wire rack before cutting the cake. If can't finish the cake on the same day, store the cake inside the fridge.
相思蛋糕的组织果然细腻柔软,吃多几块都不会感觉负担。 比起磅蛋糕, 牛油蛋糕之类的, 我更爱相思, 让人无法抗拒的一块接一块。 很感谢Sonia分享的食谱, 还有步骤图, 看着看着, 感觉每次都学习到新的东西。