
Monday, September 21, 2015

Char Siew Bun 叉烧餐包

这个面包的造型其实想做蛮久了, 觉得跟咖哩鸡肉馅最搭配的, 但是我就懒惰煮咖哩鸡, 所以感觉简单的用叉烧酱来煮鸡肉, 就形成我的餐包了。 觉得把香兰叶一起拿去烤面包, 除了外形讨人爱以外, 味道也很香喔。 


  • 高筋面粉 50g
  • 滚水 60g
-把两者混合搅拌成沾粘面团, 待冷, 盖上保鲜膜, 放入冰箱冷藏至少12个小时。

  • 高筋面粉 200g
  • 普通面粉 50g
  • 即溶酵母粉 4g (1 1/2tsp)
  • 细糖 35g
  • 盐 4g
  • 冷水 90g
  • 冷鸡蛋 60g
  • 奶油 40g
 馅料: 叉烧(我用鸡肉丁), 洋葱丁和萝卜丁, 放入锅内炒熟, 最后加入叉烧酱调味。
  1. 把(A)从冰箱取出, 放入搅拌缸, 加入 (B)和(C), 搅拌成团。
  2. 加入 (D)继续搅拌成光滑有弹性的面团, 发酵45分钟。
  3. 面团分割成每个80g, 搓圆, 松弛10分钟。
  4. 用擀面棍擀扁,包入馅料。 
  5. 让它继续发酵45分钟。发酵完成10分钟前, 用香兰叶把面包围着, 用竹签固定。
  6. 面包抹上蛋液, 用190‘C烤15分钟。
Char Siew Bun

  • 50g high proten flour
  • 60g boiling water
Add the boiling water to the flour and mix to form a sticky dough. Leave it cool and cover with cling film. Keep inrefergerator for at last 12 hours.

Main dough
  • 200g high protein flour
  • 50g plain flour
  • 4g instant yeast
  • 35g castor sugar
  • 4g salt
  • 90g cold water
  • 60g cold eggs
  • 40g butter
Fillings: Fry char siew (I used chicken pieces), sliced onion and diced carrot in a pan, add in CharSiew sauce to taste.
  1. Remove (A) from refrigerator, put (B) into a mixing bowl, then add in (A) and (C) and knead to form a dough.
  2. Add (D) and knead to form a smooth and elastic dough. Leave it to proof for 45 minutes.
  3. Divide the dough into 80g each and shape into round. Leave to rest for 10 minutes. 
  4. Flatten the dough by rolling pin. Wrap in the fillings.
  5. Leave it to proof for another 45 minutes.10 minutes before they are done, wrap the side of the bun with pandan leave, secure with a toothpick .
  6. Glaze with some egg wash. Bake at preheated oven at 190'C for 15 minutes.

这次的面包造型我是从 Sonia那边学回来。 至于面团, 还是用回Alex老师的食谱, 面包到了第二天还是很柔软。 下次要试试看用咖哩鸡来做馅料, 应该会很好吃。 喜欢自己做面包, 因为吃得比较安心。 那天发觉外面面包店卖的红豆沙面包, 放了两个星期还是好好的, 你说恐怖吗?


  1. 这食谱的面包,我也试过了,真的很棒呢!

  2. 是咯 自己做面包真的比较安心

  3. Hmmm... such delicious baked ! My favourite !
    Have a great week ahead.
