
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Salted Egg Yolk Chicken 黄金咸蛋鸡

咸蛋鸡在外头吃过好几次了, 每次都吃得津津有味, 所以想自己在家动手弄。 托友人买好了新鲜的咸蛋, 然后用依旧的方法腌制和炸好鸡块, 加入溶化奶油和咖里叶, 最后放入咸蛋黄, 翻炒一下, 就可以上桌了, 很简单吧!

  • 去骨鸡胸肉, 切小块 
  • 牛油2Tbsp
  • 油1Tbsp
  • 咸蛋黄 3个 (先蒸熟, 压散备用)
  • 咖哩叶 3根
  • 小辣椒 2个 (切碎)
  • 淡奶 2Tbsp
  1. 鸡肉块加入少许盐,糖,苏打粉(soda powder), Cake粉 (我用低筋面粉), 1/4 鸡蛋液腌大概半小时。(cake 粉炸出来的口感非常好,不会好像用面粉那么硬)
  2. 将腌好的鸡肉沾上蛋液, 然后沾上沾米粉, 然后放入热油里炸至熟 (金黄色), 捞起, 备用。
  3. 把奶油和有放入热锅内, 奶油溶化后,加入咖哩叶和小辣椒炒香, 
  4. 加入咸蛋黄, 炒香, 至到很多泡沫, 然后放入淡奶。
  5. 把鸡肉拌入即可。 
Salted Egg Yolk Chicken
  • 1 piece of chicken breast (cut into pieces)
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 1Tbsp oil
  • 3 salted egg yolk (steamed and mashed)
  • 3 stalks curry leaves
  • 2 chilli padi (chopped)
  • 1 Tbsp evaporated milk
  1. Marinate the chicken with a bit of salt, sugar, soda powder, cake flour and 1/4 egg for half an hour.
  2. Heat up oil for frying. Coat the chicken with egg wash and a layer of rice flour, and put into oil, fry until golden-browm.
  3. Put butter and oil in a pan with medium heat, melt the butter and add in curry leaves and chilli padi, fry  till fragrant. 
  4. Add in the mashed salted egg yolks, fry till a lot of bubbles are formed, pour in the evarapoted milk.
  5. Add in the chicken pieces and coat well. 

这道咸蛋黄鸡真的让人又爱又恨, 因为真的很美味, 但是又不能常吃, 咸蛋黄有点不太健康。 我想在外头吃的应该用更多粒的咸蛋黄, 所以在家里准备的应该吃得比较安心一些吧。 凡事适可而止, 久久吃一次也蛮过瘾的!