
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

吉兰丹烤鸡 Ayam Percik Kelantan

记得中学时期学校两年一次都会举办所谓的‘食堂日’来筹款建礼堂之类的, 有一年我们的班选择了请人来现场烤ayam percik, 那时候这个烤鸡还很受欢迎的, 还没有到中午就卖完了。 后来也比较少有机会接触到这种烤鸡, 只大概记得在马来人斋戒月的午市都会有卖。 这次用的食谱, 是来自吉兰丹的版本。 


  • 鸡上腿 2个
  • 椰浆 200ml
  • 小豆蔻种子 3个
  • 丁香 3个
  • 香茅 1 
  • 酸枳酱 1Tbsp
  • 盐 1tsp
  • 胡椒粉 1/2tsp 
  • 糖 1tsp
  • 1tsp 粟粉参水 


  • 香蒜 3瓣
  • 姜 一小块
  • 葱头 3个
  • 辣椒干 3-4个
  • 水 1/2杯
  • 香茅 1枝

  1. 把腌料放入食物搅拌器, 打成酱, 再和鸡上腿混合, 腌制至少半个小时。
  2. 把一半的椰浆倒入腌制的鸡上腿, 加入小豆蔻种子, 丁香和香茅碎。 开中火煮至鸡肉半熟, 大概20分钟。 烹煮的过程中加入酸枳酱, 胡椒粉, 盐和糖调味。 
  3. 把鸡腿取出, 也把把小豆蔻种子, 丁香取出。  加入剩余的椰浆和粟粉和水。 把酱汁继续煮至浓稠, 熄火。 
  4. 把鸡肉放入烤盘, 把2-3匙的酱汁淋在鸡肉上。 放入烤箱烤大概7-8分钟 (我用200'C). 过后再继续淋上酱汁再烤至金黄色。 

Ayam Percik Kelantan
Source: Vivian Pang Kicthen
  • 2 Chicken Maryland (Thighs + Drumsticks)
  • 200ml Coconut Milk
  • 3 cardamoms
  • 3 cloves
  • 1 stalk Lemongrass, bruised
  • 1 tablespoon tamarind paste
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon White Pepper
  • 1 teaspoon Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon potato starch mixed with water(or any thickening agent you prefer)
Spice paste
  • 3 cloves Garlic
  • 1 thumb sized Ginger
  • 3 Shallots
  • 3-4 Dried Chili, soaked and drained
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • 1 stalk Lemongrass

1. Preparing spice paste by adding ingredients (B) into blender. Grind till fine paste. Adding into wok/pot together with chicken maryland and marinate for at least ½ hour.
*Using the same wok/pot for marinating and cooking as well. Less cleaning :P

2. Pour half the coconut milk over marinated chicken. Add cardamom, cloves and lemongrass. Cook over medium heat until chicken is partly cooked, about 20 minutes. Season with tamarind paste, salt, pepper and sugar halfway through.

3. Remove the chicken, reserving the coconut milk gravy in the wok/pot. Discard the cardamom and cloves from the gravy. Add the rest of coconut milk and the potato starch mix (if using). Simmer until thick. Taste for seasoning. Turn off the heat and leave aside.

4. Place the chicken (skin facing up) on lined baking tray. Ladle 2-3 spoons of gravy on chicken. Cook under oven grill (broiler) at medium heat for 7-8 minutes. Again ladle gravy on chicken and continue grill till chicken is golden brown and cooked well. Serve!

这个烤鸡真的很不错吃, 在锅里煮至半熟再淋上酱汁放入烤箱烤, 的确很入味。 而且我把剩余的酱汁拿来配饭, 很开胃。 因为这个烤鸡有用到椰浆所以真的很像香, 我在想椰浆是否可以用牛奶来代替, 至少比较健康一些。 这个食谱很好用, 虽然步骤看起来有点复杂, 但是只要准备好材料, 应该不用太久的时间, 就有美味的烤鸡上盘了。 


  1. 你的烤箱被你用得淋漓尽致啊,哈哈
    突然我也想念那些canteen day了

    1. 烤箱噢, 真的对我太重要了, 我每个周末都很需要它!

  2. sedap , enak nya ~ betul betul pandai !

  3. 很喜欢你做的只用烤箱就可以做出好吃的鸡。
    吉兰丹鸡一看就知道很好吃配上椰浆饭一定。。。。。sungguh enak

    1. 对啊, 我最喜欢烤箱食谱了, 因为比较容易清洗, 我也是懒惰的。

  4. Hi Min, is this spicy? This recipe only requires 3-4 dried chilli so I think I can tahan the chilli as I don't eat spicy food, haha! Will take note with this recipe. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jessie, it's not spicy for me although I put 3-4 dried chilli. If you can't take spicy food, maybe you can just add 1 or 2 dried chilli, will be equally delicious I think :)

  5. Ow, min ur blog always make me hungry. Look so tasty!!!

    1. Haha, Mindy, nowadays I cook more frequent than I bake already.

  6. Ya i notice too, why? u lost your interest in baking? or traning urself to be a 全能 chef so u can change job, hehe.

    1. Not really, just now I don't have much spare time, so I chose to do cooking more often lo.

  7. Sedapnya ayam percik ni. rasanya nak makan sekarang.

  8. thanks for the recipe, i have to try it out

  9. 真正的煮法是用烧烤的,用微波炉还是缺少了烧烤的味道
