
Sunday, June 15, 2014

绿茶冰淇淋 Green Tea Ice Cream

天气持续的炎热, 而且还有越来越闷热的情况出现, 所以我的冰淇淋热潮还在延续着。 其实冰淇淋我没有太常吃, 如果吃的话, 我通常都会选绿茶或者咖啡口味的。 因此上次做了咖啡的, 芒果的也尝试了, 这次就轮到绿茶口味的。 这次的做法跟以往的有些不一样, 用了鲜奶油和鲜奶, 感觉有点不一样了。 

  • 绿茶粉 2Tbsp
  • 细糖 2/3杯 (我自己减少, 用了70g, 刚刚好)
  • 蛋黄 3个
  • 鲜奶 3/4杯
  • 鲜奶油  3/4杯
  1. 绿茶粉和2Tbsp的细糖混合好。 
  2. 蛋黄和剩余的细糖混合, 搅拌均匀。 
  3. 把牛奶倒入锅中, 用小火加热后, 离火, 把数汤匙的热牛奶加入绿茶粉+细糖, 搅拌至绿茶粉完全溶化, 再加入锅内的牛奶中, 最后加入蛋黄糊即可。
  4. 再把锅内的液体用小火继续加热, 直到稍微浓稠即可。 然后离火, 过筛, 让它冷却下来。 
  5. 把鲜奶油稍为打发, 然后加入上面的绿茶糊中。 
  6. 放入容器中, 放入冰箱冷藏1个小时, 才放入冷冻库。 开始凝固后, 拿出来搅拌, 再放入冷冻库, 这个步骤可以重复3-4次, 可以让冰淇淋更滑。 
Green Tea Ice Cream
Source: Spoonful
  • 2 tablespoons green tea powder (matcha)
  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream
1. In a small bow, mix the green tea powder with 2 tablespoons granulated sugar.
2. In a separate bowl, mix together the egg yolks and remaining sugar.
3. Pour the milk into a small pan and gently heat taking care not to let it boil (ideally the temperature of the milk should be 176 degrees F). Remove the from the heat and mix a few spoonfuls of the warm milk with the green tea powder and sugar in a small bowl. When you have a smooth paste, add it to the remaining milk in the pan, then gradually combine with the egg yolk mixture.
4. Return mixture to the stove and heat slowly over low heat (taking care to not let the mixture boil), until the mixture coats the back of a spoon. Remove from the heat, strain through a fine sieve, and allow to cool completely.
5. Lightly whip the cream and then add it to the cold green tea-milk mixture.
6. Transfer the mixture to a large container and [chill for an hour or two in the refrigerator] and then put it in the freezer. As ice crystals start to form, remove, and mix well with a spoon (use a wooden spoon and stir very vigorously) to break them up and return the mixture to the freezer. Repeat this a few times as it freezes to ensure that the ice cream is smooth.


这个比起之前两个食谱会比较多工, 但是我觉得是最好的一个。 一半的鲜奶油的部份用了牛奶来取代, 所以感觉比较健康, 而且吃下去没有那么油腻。 因为没有雪糕机的关系, 所以冰淇淋放入冷冻库后, 要拿出来搅拌再放回去, 连续重复几次。 但是我昨天有点懒惰, 只做了一次, 虽然口感没有那么滑, 但是我还是很喜欢, 绿茶带些苦涩的香味, 不会太甜, 最适合现在的大热天了, 不过唯一的缺点就是, 它溶得太快了, 还是现在的天气对它来说有点太热了。


  1. 这个是大热天的救星,我要我要。。。

    1. 没错, 我就是忍受不住了, 一直找冰淇淋吃, 呵呵!

  2. i like matcha ice cream, if top with red beans, wil look like those found in jap restaurant haha

    1. Yeah! I love those in japanese restaurant, very refreshing!

  3. min,我带面包来夹。哈哈 。。我喜欢雪糕夹面包。

    1. 对哦, 夹面包也不错、我怎么没有想到?哈哈, 谢谢提醒!

  4. good for such hot weather now, can spare me a scoop? heeheehee

    1. Bring me your plate! Reserved one scoop for you :-)

  5. Replies
    1. Yeah yeah, I love the bitterness of green tea!

  6. 在这炎热的天气 跑来你这吃雪糕了~
