
Monday, September 15, 2014

酪梨冰淇淋 Avocado Ice Cream

酪梨又名牛油果, 营养价值很高, 一直一来我都喜欢酪梨冰沙, 但是外面的价钱不便宜。 因此我都会买一些回来, 加入牛奶冰块放入食物调理机打, 就有美味的酪梨冰沙上桌了。 这次我直接把它弄成冰淇淋, 想不到会有意外的惊喜, 虽然酪梨只是有淡淡的香味, 但是跟柠檬混合一起做成冰淇淋, 真的很好吃,很有火花呢。 


  • 酪梨果肉 340g , 大概3粒
  • 柠檬汁 1Tbsp 加入一些柠檬削
  • 牛奶 360ml
  • 糖 70g
  • 鲜奶油 240ml
  1. 酪梨, 柠檬汁, 柠檬削, 牛奶和糖, 放入食物调理机, 搅烂。 
  2. 倒入一个大碗中, 加入鲜奶油拌匀。 
  3. 如果有冰淇淋机, 就放入冰淇淋机中, 根据指示操作。 
  4. 如果没有冰淇淋机, 就放入容器中, 放入冰箱冷藏1-2个小时, 才放入冷冻库。 开始凝固后, 拿出来搅拌, 再放入冷冻库, 这个步骤可以重复3-4次, 可以让冰淇淋更滑。 
Avocado Ice Cream
Source Food Network
  • 340g avocado meat (from 3 avocado)
  • 1Tbsp lemon juice plus some lemon grinds
  • 360ml milk
  • 70g sugar
  • 240ml whipping cream
  1. Add the avocados, lemon juice,lemon grind,  milk, and sugar to a blender and puree.
  2. Transfer the mixture to a medium mixing bowl, add the cream and whisk to combine.
  3. Process the mixture in an ice cream maker according to manufacturer's directions.
  4. However, this mixture sets up very fast, so count on it taking only 5 to 10 minutes to process. For soft ice cream, serve immediately. If desired, place in freezer for 3 to 4 hours for firmer texture.
  5. Or if you don't have a ice cream maker, transfer the mixture to a large container and chill for an hour or two in the refrigerator and then put it in the freezer. As ice crystals start to form, remove, and mix well with a spoon (use a wooden spoon and stir very vigorously) to break them up and return the mixture to the freezer. Repeat this a few times as it freezes to ensure that the ice cream is smooth.

这个食谱真的很简单, 就全部放入食物调理机处理后, 放入冰箱就可以, 不用煮的噢。 所以我都是晚上临睢前, 花些时间准备好, 第二天就有冰淇淋吃了。 其实这次的冰淇淋没有那么滑, 可能是我中间没有拿出来搅拌的关系吧, 冰淇淋放入冷冻库后, 我就收工了, 呵呵。 不过味道还是很好, 喜欢酪梨淡淡的香味,很清新的感觉, 下次再来做一次好了!