
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Pan Seared Salmon with Garlic Butter 香蒜奶油三文鱼

好久没有写帖子了, 从日本回来后一直忙个不停,刚过了圣诞节, 很快的新的一年又要来到了, 光阴似箭呢。 而且雨一直下, 感觉做事情有点提不起劲, 或许这是旅游回来的后遗症。 不能再懒散了, 所以在我跟大家分享这次的旅程以前, 先分享这个奶油香蒜三文鱼吧。


  • 三文鱼片 2块
  • 香蒜奶油 1Tbsp (做法参考这里
  • 黑胡椒粉
  • 橄榄油 1/2Tsp
  • 柠檬汁 1-2Tbsp
  1. 三文鱼处理好, 抹干。 
  2. 把盐和黑胡椒粉抹在鱼的两面, 皮的部份也要。 放着5-10分钟。 
  3. 中火预热平底锅。 
  4. 加入橄榄油, 油开始热后, 放入鱼片, 皮的部份向下。 
  5. 煎至皮香脆, 翻去煎肉的部份, 一面大概2分钟即可。 
  6. 加入香蒜奶油, 翻面煎另一面, 淋上溶化的香蒜奶油。 
  7. 煮好后, 把三文鱼取出, 放入碟, 淋上柠檬汁即可。
Pan Seared Salmon with Garlic Butter
Source: The Hungry Lamb
  • Salmon fillet- 2 pieces
  • Garlic butter - 1 tbsp (refer here for the recipe)
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil – 1/2 tsp
  • Lemon juice – 1-2 tbsp
  1. Clean up the salmon fillet. Pat dry and arrange in a flat tray/plate.
  2. Season with salt and pepper on both side. Remember to season the skin side as well.
  3. Leave it aside for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Heat up grill pan. Set it at medium high flame.
  5. Add in olive oil. Once hot enough, place salmon fish (skin side down) on hot grill pan.
  6. Sear it till skin is crispy with a nice charred mark. Proceed cooking on one side (flesh). Remember it only takes 2 mins max each side (1 inch thickness of fish) to cook.
  7. Add in 1 tbsp of garlic butter. Flip the fish to cook the other side. Baste it nicely with melted garlic butter on pan.
  8. Once cooked, transfer fish to a clean serving plate and drizzle lemon juice over it while it is still hot. If there is balance of melted butter on pan, just drizzle over the salmon. 

我比较喜欢煎得香脆的香蒜, 所以我香蒜煎得比较久。 这次的三文鱼算不同的尝试, 以前都是拿去烤, 这次的做法, 家人和自己都很喜欢, 奶油真的很香, 跟香蒜和三文鱼搭配得很好。 炒个菜, 配上三文鱼和白饭,算很有营养的一餐了。 

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