
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

双菇洋葱咸派 Bacon Mushroom Quiche

其实很早以前就认识了咸派(Quiche), 它的口味多得很, 变化多端, 所以我一直很想尝试。 记得去年有尝试过两次, 不过派皮还是找不到我要的口感。 直到近来, 把孟老师的新书‘甜派与咸派’拿到手了, 老师的书果然没有让人失望, 从派皮, 馅料酱到派馅都解释到一清二楚。 因此把孟老师的书读过一遍后, 真的有开窍不少。 


  • 低筋面粉 150g
  • 盐 1/4tsp
  • 奶油 65g
  • 全蛋 30g
  • 冷水 20g
  1. 低筋面粉和盐一起过筛至较大的容器内, 奶油稍微切小块, 倒在粉料上。 
  2. 用小刮板先将奶油块和粉料混合切割。 再用双手轻轻的搓揉掷到混合成不规则的粉粒。 
  3. 全蛋和冷水混合, 倒入粉粒内。 用小刮板从容器底部往上翻搅, 将液体和粉粒均匀的混合。 
  4. 当湿性的液体完全触入粉粒中时, 再用橡皮刮刀将松散的粉团压成完整的面团。 
  5. 也可以直接用手将干, 湿材料搓成均匀。
  6. 面团放在保鲜膜上, 用手压平, 放入冰箱松弛至少30分钟。 
  7. 把面团冰箱取出, 放在撒上面粉的工作台, 把面团擀平, 然后用模型切成派模大小, 放入派模中, 用刀割出多余的面团。 
  8. 用手轻压边缘, 用叉子在派底刺洞, 铺上烘焙纸, 上面放瓷珠(豆类或米), 放入预热200‘C的烤箱, 烤大概10-15分钟, 至半熟。
  • 全蛋 50g
  • 蛋黄 10g
  • 牛奶 50g
  • 动物性鲜奶油 50g
  1. 全蛋和蛋黄放入容器混合, 倒入牛奶, 搅拌均匀, 加入鲜奶油, 继续搅拌。 
  2. 最后用粗网过筛即可。
  • 培根 25g, 切小块
  • 洋葱 350g, 切丝状
  • 杏鲍菇 180g, 用手撕成条状
  • 洋菇 180g, 切成片状
  • 盐 1/2tsp
  • 黑胡椒粉 1/4tsp
  • 格鲁耶尔起士 60g
  1. 锅中放入奶油, 倒入培根用小火炒, 直到油脂渗出, 接着加入洋葱丝, 炒至洋葱丝变成金黄色备用。 
  2. 再用干净的锅, 放入少许奶油, 将杏鲍菇以小火炒成金黄色, 盛出备用。 接着将洋菇片炒至变软即熄火, 再将杏鲍菇倒回锅内。 
  3. 撒上盐, 黑胡椒粉调味, 待降温后倒入派皮上, 再将培根和洋葱丝加入。 
  4. 将蛋奶酱倒入, 撒上格鲁耶尔起。 
  5. 放入预热200‘C的烤箱, 烤25-30分钟。 
Bacon Mushroom Quiche
Makes one 9 inch pie
Ingredients for pie shell:
  • Low protein flour 150g
  • Salt 1/4tsp
  • Butter 65g
  • Whole egg 30g
  • Cold water 20g
To make pastry:
  1. Sift flour and salt into a large mixing bowl. Add diced butter and stir with a knife. Rub the butter into the flour with your finger tips, lifting the flour from the bottom up on top, until the mixture looks like coarse breadcrumbs.
  2. Add chilled water and whole egg to flour mixture until the mixture comes together into a ball. The dough should leave bowl clean.
  3. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and lightly knead by hand until smooth. Don’t over knead the dough. Roll into disc shape. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill in fridge for about 30 minutes. 
  4. Remove the dough disc from fridge. Place on a lightly floured surface. Use a rolling pin to roll out into a circle, use a cookie cutter to cut into round shape to fit the mould.  Trim the edge. Prick the base with a fork. 
  5. Line with baking paper and place ceramic beads, or beans, or rice on top. Transfer to the preheated oven at 200'C for blind-baking, about 10 to 15 minutes.
Egg milk mixture
  • Whole egg 50g
  • Egg yolk 10g
  • Milk 50g
  • Dairy whipping cream 50g
Mix together the whole egg and egg yolk in a mixing bowl. Add in milk, follow with whipping cream. Run the mixture through a sieve.

  • Bacon 25g, diced
  • Onion 350g, sliced
  • Oyster mushroom 180g, sliced
  • Button mushroom 180g, sliced
  • Salt 1/2tsp
  • Black pepper 1/4tsp
  • Gruyere cheese 60g
  1. Heat butter over medium heat. Saute bacon and cook until oil is release, add in onion and fry until golden brown in colour. 
  2. In another clean pan, add in some butter and fry oyster mushroom till golden brown, dish out.  Fry button mushroom till soft and add back the oyster mushroom into the pan. 
  3. Season with some sat ad pepper, and spoon into the pie shell, top with bacon and onion. 
  4. Pour in the egg milk mixture, spread Gruyere cheese on top.
  5. Bake in preheated oven at 200'C for 25-30 minutes.

做咸派真的不太简单, 因为需要比平时烘焙更多的时间与心思, 再加上我做了双倍的份量, 所以我在厨房大概团团转了三个小时, 才有热腾腾的咸派出炉。 不过真的很满意这次的成品, 比我想像的好, 家人都吃得津津有味。 这次我用莫薩里拉起士来取代格鲁耶尔起士,也一样的好吃。 


  1. 我也很喜欢quiche。不管加什么馅料都很好吃 :)

    1. 没错, 来个give me five! 这个quiche当正餐或者下午茶都可以。

  2. Min, thanks for sharing receipe.
    I will try but curious how to remove out from pie pan after done ?


    1. I used pan with removable base, if you don't have, just brush your pan with some butter and the pie can come out easily after baking.

  3. Looks so yummy^^ min, if we use different kind of cheese won't affect the result rite? So many kinds of cheese available in the market, pening.

    1. Sorry forget to reply you, yaya, you can use mozzarella cheese which is easier to get from the market.

  4. yummy yummy its been awhile since the last time I ate quiche...

  5. 想问如果提前一天做好,隔天吃ok吗?还是一定要热食?还是馅料先弄好,皮也先烘好,隔天再把料放进皮,然后烘?
