
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Walnut Cream Cheese Bread 核桃乳酪面包

这款面包自己很喜欢, 虽然外表没有太出众, 但是却是我最喜欢的之一。 内馅是采用之前去上老师的课程学的, 然后面团就是用直接法的, 省下不少的时间, 出来的效果也不错。 那天买了老师的新书, 有不同面包的做法, 要花些时间研究一下了。 

参考: Nasi Lemak Lover
  • 高筋面粉 200g
  • 牛奶 130g
  • 细糖 35g
  • 自发酵母 3g (1/2tsp+1/4tsp)
  • 盐 1/2tsp
  • 奶油 25g  室温

 内馅 (参考Alex Goh老师的食谱):
  • 奶油乳酪 (cream cheese) 125g
  • 细糖 25g
  • 鲜奶油 35g (我用牛奶取代)
  • 即用卡士达粉 10g (没有的话可用粟粉取代)
  • 核桃 50g
把(A)用电动搅拌器混合均匀, 加入 (B),继续搅拌至匀。 放入冰箱冷藏固定, 备用。 
  1. 把全部材料 (除了奶油), 搅拌均匀后, 揉至滑。
  2. 加入奶油, 继续搓揉至有弹性及光滑。 放在一半待发酵至双倍大。 
  3. 把面团取出, 排气,将面团分成60g, 揉成圆球, 让它们休息15分钟。 
  4. 用擀面棍把面团擀平成方形, 抹上一层乳酪内馅, 再卷起成圆柱型。
  5. 用剪刀剪几刀, 但是不要完全剪断, 然后把它们左右打开。 
  6. 让面团进行最后发酵40-50分钟。 
  7. 抹上蛋液 (也可以在上面撒些起司丝), 放入预热180‘C烤箱, 烤15-20分钟。
Walnut Cream Cheese Bread
Adapted from Nasi Lemak Lover
  • 200g High Protein Flour or Bread flour
  • 130g milk
  • 35g sugar 3g instant yeast (1/2tsp+1/4tsp)
  • 1/8tsp salt
  • 25g butter, room temperature
Cream cheese fillings:
  • Cream cheese 125g
  • Sugar 25g
  • Whipping cream 35g (I replaced with milk)
  • Instant custard powder 10g (I replaced with corn starch)
  • walnut 50g
 Beat (A) till well combined, add in (B) and mix again. Keep in the fridge to let it firm before use.
  1. Mix all ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl, combine and knead till smooth.
  2. Add in butter, continue to knead till elastic and smooth dough. Keep aside to rise till double in size.
  3. Divide the dough into 60g each and roll into small balls, rest for 15mins.
  4. Take a small dough, use rolling pin to flatten the dough into a square. Spread cream cheese fillings on top and roll in up. Using a scissor, make a few cuts but don't cut all the way down. Arrange them to left and right side alternately.
  5. Let it to proof for another 30-45mins.
  6. Apply egg wash or spread some grated cheese on top. Bake in preheated oven at 180'C for 15-20 minutes. 

虽然做面包需要较长的时间和更多的耐性, 但是得到的成就与满足感其实是更高的。 喜欢这个面包的内馅, 咬下去除了有乳酪的香味, 还有香脆的核桃。 而且面包一出炉就解决了好几个,只有剩下的刚刚好隔天当早餐, 很满意面包还是一样的柔软。

1 comment:

  1. 很久没有嗅到面包香了,看到这个面包,很想吃呢!
