
Monday, November 9, 2015

Garlic Butter Cheese Bun 香蒜奶油乳酪面包

又是做面包的时间了, 近来做面包做得很凶, 大概每隔两三天就有面包出炉, 我想我是疯了吧, 哈哈。 其实喜欢自己做面包, 至少材料方面你可以选择比较健康, 比较适合自己的。 近来世界卫生组织培根, 热狗, 火腿之类的, 列为可能致癌的食物, 所以我想也是少吃为妙。 因此这次选择了香蒜奶油乳酪馅, 算是个不错的口味。 

  • 高筋面粉 195g
  • 低筋面粉 90g
  • 速发酵母 6g
  • 盐 6g
  • 细糖 30g
  • 奶粉 12g
  • 全蛋 60g
  • 水 65g
  • 汤种 75g
  • 奶油 45g
  • 白芝麻,亚麻籽放入碟中备用。
  • 奶油 50g和香蒜碎 2tsp混合好, 放入挤花袋。
  • 乳酪丝 适量
  1. 把A和B的材料倒入搅拌盆中, 使用搅拌器先慢速搅拌。
  2. 当匀后, 转成中速继续搅拌。 
  3. 再搅拌成团, 有筋性时, 才加入C料, 用慢速搅拌, 再转中速。搅拌至可拉开薄膜的阶段。 
  4. 取出, 把面团放入已经抹油的大碗中, 让它发酵大概40分钟或者双倍大。
  5. 把面团取出, 排气,将面团分成60g 一个,滚圆, 松弛10分钟。 
  6. 面团喷射少许水, 沾上白芝麻和亚麻籽, 用擀面棍擀扁,让它继续发酵45分钟。
  7. 发酵完毕10分钟前, 用利刀在面团上至下, 左至右, 割两刀 ('+'), 然后挤入内馅, 再撒上乳酪丝。
  8. 放入预热180‘C 的烤箱, 烤15分钟。
  1. 在250g水中, 加入高筋面粉50g, 搅拌均匀。 
  2. 放到瓦斯卢上加热, 需不断搅拌, 防锅底烧焦。 
  3. 加热至65'C离火, 面糊在搅拌时, 会有纹路出现的状态。 
  4. 在面糊表面贴上一层保鲜膜, 降温后使用。 
Garlic Butter Cheese Bun
  • 195g high protein flour
  • 90g low protein flour
  • 6g instant dry yeast
  • 6g salt
  • 30g castor sugar
  • 12g milk powder
  • 60g egg
  • 65g water
  • 75g Tang Zhong*
  • 45g butter
Some flax seeds and white sesame
50g butter to be mix with 2tsp of minced garlic, and put into a piping bag.
Some shredded cheddar/mozzarella cheese
  1. Mix A and B together, using dough mixer, knead with slow speed till homogeneous. The turn to medium speed.
  2. Add in butter cubes, continue kneading till a smooth dough is obtained. 
  3. Let it proof for 40 minutes or double in size. 
  4. Press to remove air. Divide the dough into 60g each, roll them into balls, rest the dough for 10 minutes. 
  5. Spray the dough with water and coat it with flax seeds and sesame seeds. Flatten the dough by rolling pin. Leave it to proof for another 45 minutes.
  6. 10 minutes before finished proofing, make a '+’ cutting on the dough with a sharp knife, and pipe in the garlic butter, spread with some cheese on top.
  7. Bake in preheated oven at 180'C for 15 minutes.  
*To prepare 65'C Tangzhong
  1. In a pot, mix 250g of water and 50g of bread flour, stir well.
  2. Heat it on stove, continue stirring to prevent burn.
  3. When the temperature is around 65'C, remove from heat (when you continue to stir, it becomes thicker, and when there are some lines after stiring, it's almost done, remove from heat)
  4. Let it cool down before use.The balance can be kept in fridge for 1-2 days. 
面团的食谱是采用Yvonce.C的65‘C汤种, 真的没有后悔买下这本书, 因为我尝试了里头的面包食谱, 每个都很满意。 这次的面包一出炉就好枪手了, 你一个我一个, 好像都不够留第二天, 下次要多做一下了。 奶油和乳酪的份量可以自己拿捏, 如果只是放乳酪丝, 我也觉得很不错了。 而且放了亚麻籽和白芝麻, 烤出来的香味很诱人呢。

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