
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

香脆麦片鸡 Crispy Nestum Chicken

写了好几年的部落格, 有些食谱难免会是重复性的。 因为如果我喜欢的话, 重复的机率会蛮高的, 但是有时一样的我就懒惰分享了。 这次有点不一样, 虽然是同样的食谱, 但是尝试多几次原来会更进步, 更有满足感的。 


  • 半只去骨鸡肉, 切小块 
  • 牛油 5Tbsp
  • 蛋黄 (过滤)4个
  • 咖哩叶 3根
  • 小辣椒 2个 (或用辣椒干5条取代)
  • 麦片 适量
  1. 鸡肉块加入少许盐,糖,苏打粉(soda powder), Cake粉 (我用低筋面粉), 1/4 鸡蛋液腌大概半小时。(cake 粉炸出来的口感非常好,不会好像用面粉那么硬)
  2. 将腌好的鸡肉沾上木薯粉, 然后放入热油里炸至熟 (金黄色), 捞起, 备用。
  3. 准备蛋丝, 先将牛油放入锅内, 开小火, 奶油溶化后慢慢加入蛋黄, 这时要不断的搅拌, 如果觉得火候不够, 可以开中火。 
  4. 最后加入麦片, 咖哩叶和小辣椒, 加入糖和盐调味。
  5. 放入鸡块拌匀即刻。 
* 加入麦片后要快速搅拌而且不可以炒太久, 麦片很容易煮焦。

Crispy Nestum Chicken
  • Half de-borned chicken, cut into small pieces
  • Butter 5Tbsp
  • Egg yolk (filtered) 4
  • Curry leaves 3 stalks
  • Chili padi  2 (can be replaced with 5 dried chillies)
  • Nestum/oats-according to preference
  1. Marinate the chicken with a bit of salt, sugar, soda powder, cake flour and 1/4 egg for half an hour.
  2. Heat up oil for frying. Coat the chicken with a layer of tropica flour, and put into oil, fry until golden-brown.
  3. With another pan, with low-medium fire, melt the butter until dissolved. 
  4. Pour in the egg yolk slowly but continuously. You need to stir the egg continuously (as shown in the picture above). 
  5. Stir in oats/nestum, curry leaves and chili padi. May add in sugar and salt to taste too.
  6. Finally, mix in the chicken.
 * If you want your egg floss to be long and thin, you may need to increase the amount of marjerin/butter. If you use higher proportion of egg, you will get egg floss which is bigger in size.

这次因为家里没有小辣椒, 所以就用了辣椒干, 感觉要加蛮多, 才会有少许辣。 这次我的鸡蛋丝有炒比较久, 至干身一些,这样加入麦片的时候才不会有潮湿的感觉。 而且我觉得麦片可以用中火慢慢炒, 直到金黄色, 会比较香脆。 我还是一样, 加入好多的麦片来配饭, 大家都赞好, 现在发觉在家自己煮麦片鸡, 也可以得心应手了!


  1. Replies
    1. 谢谢! 但是我没有那么厉害, 还在练习练习 :)

  2. 看到流口水了,添饭添饭。。。^^

  3. What a coincidence! I made this same dish too :) I did without the egg yolks and added some milk powder to the cereal. 麦片加咖哩叶 超赞!

    1. Oh really? I will try to add some milk powder too next time, thanks for your suggestion!

  4. 哇。。好开胃哦!食谱我借走啦,找一天试试做~*^_^*

    1. 哈哈, 要试呢, 旅行回来, 突然很想念这个味道 :)

  5. Cake粉 就是低筋面粉吗?
