
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Flower-shaped Sausage Bun 花型热狗面包

真的好久没有揉面团做面包了, 所以那天看到一些诱人的面包图文, 又让我心痒痒的弄面包去了。 但是自从有了那架粉红的KitchenAid后, 揉面团我都全靠它了, 虽然一时它得揉得很用力, 但是出来的结果都没有让我失望。 

参考:Nasi Lemak Lover & Jessie- Cooking Moments
  • 高筋面粉 200g
  • 牛奶 130g
  • 细糖 35g
  • 自发酵母 3g (1/2tsp+1/4tsp
  • 盐 1/2tsp
  • 奶油 25g  室温
  • 热狗 6条 , 蛋液 (一个蛋黄 + 1Tbsp牛奶)
  1. 把全部材料 (除了奶油), 搅拌均匀后, 揉至滑。
  2. 加入奶油, 继续搓揉至有弹性及光滑。 放在一半待发酵至双倍大。 
  3. 把面团取出, 排气,将面团分成75g, 揉成圆球, 让它们休息15分钟。 
  4. 用擀面棍把面团擀平, 跟热狗的宽度一样, 翻面, 放上热狗, 卷上。 
  5. 然后切一半, 然后再切一半, 但是不要完全切下。 把面团打开起来, 再重叠一起。 仔细的图文可以参考Jessie的)。
  6. 让面团进行最后发酵40-50分钟。 
  7. 抹上蛋液, 放入预热180‘C烤箱, 烤15-20分钟。  
Flower-shaped Sausage Bun
Adapted from: Nasi Lemak Lover and Jessie- Cooking Moments
*makes 6
  • 200g High Protein Flour or Bread flour
  • 130g milk
  • 35g sugar 3g instant yeast (1/2tsp+1/4tsp)
  • 1/8tsp salt
  • 25g butter, room temperature
  • 6 sausages, defrost and pat dry, egg wash (1 egg yolk +1tbsp milk)
  1. Mix all ingredients except butter in a mixing bowl, combine and knead till smooth.
  2. Add in butter, continue to knead till elastic and smooth dough. Keep aside to rise till double in size.
  3. Divide the dough into 75g each and roll into small balls, rest for 15mins.
  4. Take a small dough, use rolling pin to flatten the dough to the same length of the sausage. Flip over the dough(with smooth side is facing down). Place a sausage on the dough & roll up like swiss roll.Press hard on the edge of the dough. The closing should face down.
  5. Cut in the middle of the sausage dough. Do 2 more cuts on each side of the small dough but DO NOT CUT THROUGH THE DOUGH!(you can refer Jessie's page for clearer pictures)
  6. Open up the cut dough.Take 1 set of the cut sausage dough & place across another set. A 4 pedals flower-shaped sausage dough is formed!
  7. Let it to proof for another 30-45mins.
  8. Apply egg wash. Bake in preheated oven at 180'C for 15-20 minutes. 

太久没有弄面包了, 所以还是有点生疏的感觉。 但是还好一切都很顺利, 自己也很享受整个做面包的过程。 面包出来也很快被解决掉了, 吃自己做的面包真的很不一样, 会有很大的满足感, 辛苦一些也值得!

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