
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Nabeyaki Udon 锅烧乌东面

这个日语叫做'鍋焼きうどん', 意思就是用传统乌东汤面, 用瓦锅或其它来煮的。 最近几次吃日本餐, 我都特别喜爱这道面条, 虽然感觉蛮清淡, 但是吃起来也蛮有满足感的。 而且用昆布和干柴鱼丝熬出来的高汤, 很清甜, 也很开胃。 

  • 香菇 4朵 (用热水浸泡 15 分钟, 浸香菇的水留下, 备用)
  • 鲍鱼菇 2朵 (切片)
  • 小白菜 2小把 (切小段, 再用水煮熟, 备用)-原食谱用菠菜
  • 红萝卜 1/2条 (切片)
  • 鸡腿肉 1小块 (切块)
  • 乌东面 3包
  • 鸡蛋 3粒
  • 高汤* 1L
  • 浸香菇的水
  • 味琳 3Tbsp
  • 酱油 2Tbsp
  • 盐 1tsp
  1. 把高汤和浸香菇的水放入锅内, 用中火煮滚, 加入味琳, 酱油和盐。 开始滚后, 熄火备用。
  2. 乌东面放入沸水煮, 面条散开后取出, 放入冰水中降温, 沥干取出。 
  3. 把全部材料 (除了鸡蛋和小白菜) 摆放入瓦锅内。
  4. 加入汤, 盖上锅盖。 用中火煮至滚。 然后稍微把盖打开。 再调去小火, 继续煮至鸡肉熟透。 
  5. 最后放入鸡蛋和小白菜, 盖上锅盖, 煮至你喜欢的鸡蛋熟的程度。 
  • 昆布 20 g 或者 4" x 5" 
  • 干柴鱼丝 3杯或者 30g
  • 水 1L
  1. 把昆布上的白色粉末用湿布抹掉。
  2. 把昆布剪成小块, 放入水里头用小火煮。
  3. 在汤差不多滚的时候, 取出昆布。 熄火, 让汤降温。
  4. 加入干柴鱼丝, 开火煮滚。
  5. 汤滚后, 转小火再煮30秒, 熄火。 
  6. 十分钟后, 才过筛, 备用。 
Nabeyaki Udon
-3 servings
  • 4 dried shiitake mushrooms
  • Warm water
  • 1 stalk spinach, rinsed
  • 1” (3 cm) carrot
  • ⅓ package (1 oz/28 g) shimeji mushrooms, bottom ½" trimmed
  • 1 chicken thigh
  • 3 packages udon
  • 3 eggs
For Udon Soup
  • 1L dashi 
  • Dashi from dried shiitake mushrooms
  • 3 Tbsp. mirin
  • 2 Tbsp. soy sauce
  • 1 tsp. salt
  1. Soak dried shiitake mushrooms in warm water for 15 minutes. Squeeze the excess water out of mushrooms. Cut off the stems if there are any and score a cross on top. Keep the leftover soaking liquid (dashi) for udon soup. Strain the dashi through a mesh strainer to remove any grit or impurities before using.
  2. In lightly salted boiling water, blanch the spinach starting from the stem side for 1 minute. Soak the spinach in iced water to prevent overcooking. Squeeze water out and cut into 1 ½” (4 cm) pieces.
  3. Slice the carrot.
  4. To make udon soup, combine dashi soup and dashi from dried shiitake mushrooms in a small saucepan. Bring it to a boil over medium high heat.
  5. Once boiling, add mirin, soy sauce, and salt. When boiling again, turn off the heat and set aside.
  6. Cook udon in a boiling water. Once the noodles are separated, take them out and soak in ice water to prevent from cooking further. Drain and set aside.
  7. Divide ingredients (except for egg and spinach) into two individual earthen donabe clay pots (or use any big pot).
  8. Add udon soup and cover with the lid. Bring the soup to a boil over medium high heat. When it comes to a boil, leave the lid slightly open to let some steam out, or it will overflow. Lower the heat and simmer to cook until the chicken is cooked through.
  9. Add an egg and spinach and cover to cook until the egg is done to your liking. 

看起来很长的食谱, 但是做起来还好, 而且是一锅熟的, 所以其实不复杂。 想做这个乌东面锅很久了, 因为之前在京都买的昆布和干柴鱼丝也放了很久, 现在终于可以用上场了。 喜欢这个高汤, 有很浓的日式香味, 尤其是下雨天的时候, 有这个当晚餐, 立刻温暖了不少。 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. 好好吃的锅烧乌东面,来一碗,暖暖的,正适合这里的冷天气!
