
Monday, November 17, 2014

Coffee Macaron 咖啡马卡龙

等了那么久, 自己终于也有机会尝试弄马卡龙了。 每次到咖啡馆见到玻璃橱窗里头摆放五颜六色的马卡龙, 都会被吸引过去。 然后看看价钱, 有让人立刻止步的感觉。 印象中, 马卡龙我只吃过一次而已, 吃后的感想就是甜一个字。 

  • 杏仁粉 35g
  • 咖啡粉 5g
  • 糖粉 40g
  • 蛋白 30g
  • 糖粉 40g
  • 巧克力豆 60g
  • 咖啡粉 1tsp
  • 鲜奶油 40g
- 巧克力豆和咖啡粉混合好。 鲜奶油放入锅内煮至接近沸点, 加入巧克力豆里头, 搅拌至巧克力豆溶化。 让它稍微硬后才使用。  

1。把杏仁粉,咖啡粉和糖粉混合均匀后过筛几次 (如果没过筛成品会呈现粗粗的表面)
2。蛋白打起泡,再把糖粉分数次加入,快速打到湿性发泡 (希望马卡龙厚一点,蛋白糖就打硬一点)
6。挤好的生面糊在室温放置30分钟让面糊自然摊圆后才开始预热烤箱 150 度
7。烤盘放入中层,下层用另外一个烤盘隔绝底火,烘烤大约 3 分钟蕾丝裙就出现了
8。把烤盘移去下层,用一个冷却的烤盘放在上层阻隔热火,烘烤约 5 分钟即可。出炉后让烤好的马卡龙在烤盘中放凉后才拿下。

Coffee Macaron
Adapted from: Anncoo Journal
-Makes 4 unitis
  • Ground Almond 35g
  • Espresso powder 5g
  • Icing sugar 40g
  • Egg white 30g
  • Icing sugar 40g
    • 1 cup
    • Chocolate Chips; for filling
    • 1/2 cups
    • Heavy Whipping Cream; for filling
  • - See more at:
    • Chocolate chips 60g
    • Espresso powder 1tsp
    • Whipping cream 40g
    -Combine chocolate chips and coffee powder in a pot. Bring whipping cream almost to boil, add it to the chocolate chips. Whisk everything until chocolate is completely melted. Let the chocolate garnache harden a bit before using.
    Combine chocolate chips and instant coffee together into a pot. Bring whipping almost to a boil, add it to the chocolate chips. Whisk everything until chocolate is completely melted. Let the chocolate ganache harden a little. - See more at:
    • 1 cup
    • Chocolate Chips; for filling
    • 1/2 cups
    • Heavy Whipping Cream; for filling
  • - See more at:
    1. Sieve ground almond, espresso powder and icing sugar twice.
    2. Beat egg white until foamy and sieve icing sugar in batches then change to high speed and beat till peak form (thick and glossy). You may beat egg white to stiffer peak if you prefer a thicker marcaron.
    3. Then sieve (again) dry ingredients into egg white in two batches and fold mixture well thoroughly with a rubber spatula.
    4. Add batter into piping bag with nozzle tip #1A attached. Then pipe small circles on non-stick baking sheet. (When piping macarons, hold bag straight up from the sheet, with the tip close to the baking sheet. The batter will push itself out in a perfect circle).
    5. Once piped use a toothpick to prick any air bubbles that appear. Dry the macaron shells for 30 minutes at room temperature.
    6. Preheat oven at 150 degree for 10 minutes. Then bake macaron shells at centre rack with one empty tray placing at the lower rack. This is to avoid excess heat burning the base of the marcaron shells. The feet will start to appear in about 3 minutes.
    7. Remove the (hot) empty rack and place another empty rack on top of the macaron shells and bake for another 5-8 minutes. 
    8. You can test if they are done by touching the tip of a macaron, if its wobbles they are not done. When baking is complete, the shell should not stick to the tray. Put them back to oven for a couple of minutes if you have difficulties removing them from the baking sheet. 
      Combine chocolate chips and instant coffee together into a pot. Bring whipping almost to a boil, add it to the chocolate chips. Whisk everything until chocolate is completely melted. Let the chocolate ganache harden a little. - See more at:
      Combine chocolate chips and instant coffee together into a pot. Bring whipping almost to a boil, add it to the chocolate chips. Whisk everything until chocolate is completely melted. Let the chocolate ganache harden a little. - See more at:
    9. You can store them in an airtight container and refrigerate it until you're ready to use them. Pipe cream of your choice onto one macaron shell and sandwich with another half.

    看起来很长的步骤, 但是材料都很简单。 我面对的问题就是蛋白一粒, 用我的kitchen aid真的很难打到湿性发泡, 所以很担心我的蛋白打不好。 不过最后还好, 一切都很顺利, 我的马卡龙也有‘脚’伸出来。 唯一的缺陷就是我的夹馅, 心太急了, 还没有硬一些我就夹上去了, 所以弄得有点糟糕的样子。 但是第一次的尝试还是很满意, 如果要形容这次的马卡龙, 应该是甜入心头吧, 呵呵, 真的很甜, 吃一粒就够了。
    • 1 cup
    • Chocolate Chips; for filling
    • 1/2 cups
    • Heavy Whipping Cream; for filling
  • - See more at:
    • 1 cup
    • Chocolate Chips; for filling
    • 1/2 cups
    • Heavy Whipping Cream; for filling
  • - See more at:


    1. 1个蛋白,真的很难打。我都是用手伴电动打也。嘻嘻嘻 。。。。。。


      1. 我的电动手拌的坏了, 只剩下kitchen aid而已, 所以就这样了。

    2. 马卡龙真的很甜。。。。。


      1. 哈哈, 我就放胆试一下, 还好还有形状出来。

    3. Min, I also used Ann's recipe to make my 1st macarons and it was success! I tried used my kitchenaid to beat even I doubled up the recipe still too little eggwhites, at 1st thought accidentally dripped water in so cannot beat up, threw away twice and finally used hand mixer :(, haiz... i should carry on hor... but well done for 1st timer!

      1. I actually tried second times, but failed, I think problem with my egg white also. Wondering is it harder to beat to stiff peak with icing sugar? I usually don't have problem with castor sugar. I read some recipes with castor sugar, maybe I will give them a try :)

    4. Well done for your first attempt! I have not tried baking macarons even though I have received a macaron baking gift set a few months back. Your post has given me that much needed nudge...but will have to wait till I have tried your ogura recipes :)

    5. 你好!误打误撞来到你家,原来你很多食谱是我突然有想学的玩意儿,bookmark你家了~^^

    6. Che belli !!! Ti sono venuti perfetti!!!
      Buon Anno!!
