
Thursday, November 13, 2014

糯米鸡 Steamed Sticky Glutinous Rice with Chicken (Lou Mai Kai)

拖了那么久, 终于尝试了这个糯米鸡的食谱。 从小到大, 到外头吃点心的时候, 都会点一碗糯米鸡, 然后大伙儿一起吃。 近来看到友人分享的食谱, 才发觉原来自己在家也可以弄, 虽然步骤看起来比较长, 但是一步一步来, 也不会太复杂的。 

取自:Kit Yee Natalie 的食谱
-我做出7 小碗。 
  • 泰国上等香糯米 - 500gm (泡水4-5小时沥干水备用)
  • 一块鸡全腿 - 分成5-7块
  • 干花菇 - 数朵(泡热水一夜或用小火煮开直至完全变软, 沥干水, 除菇柄备用)
  • 腊肠 - 一条切成10块
  • 鸡蛋 - 1个(煮熟一个切5块)
  • 小葱头- 8粒 (6 粒切圈, 2粒剁碎)
  • 蒜茸 - 2tsp
  • 蚝油 2 Tbsp
  • 黑酱油  1/4tsp
  • 生抽 - 1 Tbsp
  •  糖- 1 Tbsp
  • 麻油 - 少许
  • 胡椒粉 - 少许
  • 绍兴酒/ 百米酒 - 1/2 tsp
  • 姜- 1 table spoon (用刀背剁碎)
  • 玉粟粉 1Tbsp
(B) 糯米的调味料
  • 黑酱油 - 1/2 tsp
  • 麻油 - 1 tsp
  • 蚝油 - 2 Tbsp
  • 生抽- 1 Tbsp
  • 糖-1 Tbsp
  • 胡椒粉 - 少许
  • 五香粉 - 少许
(C) 酱汁 (淋在糯米上)
2瓣蒜米的2粒小葱头剁碎, 热油爆香。
加入250 ml 清水 , 蚝油 3Tbsp, 麻油 1/2tsp, 胡椒粉 少许, 生抽 1/2Tbsp, 糖 2 Tbsp, 百米酒1tsp 备用。

3。准备7个小 碗,先放香菇,鸡腿肉,腊肠,鸡蛋,再加上炒好的糯米饭,用铁匙更把它压紧紧。
4。均匀地加入酱汁(C)在7碗糯米上, 刚盖过糯米就可以。开大火蒸30分钟,转小火篜15分钟。拿起倒扣,趁热享用。

炒过的糯米会更好味。如果把糯米泡过夜会口感就比较软, 那么酱汁(C) 就要减少。如果比较喜欢糯米有QQ的感觉, 可以缩短浸泡的时间。

Steamed Sticky Glutinous Rice with Chicken
Source: Recipe from Natalie Kit Yee
-I managed to get 7 small bowls.
  • Thai glutinous rice - 500gm (soak for 4-5 hrs , drained & keep aside)
  • 1 whole chicken - cut into 5-7 pieces
  • Dried mushrooms- a few(soak in hot water overnight or boil until totally softened; drain water & cut into smaller pieces if needed)
  • Lap Cheong - 1 stick cut into 10 pieces
  • Egg - 1(boil & cut into 5 pieces)
  • Small onion- 8 pieces (6 pc cut horizontally, 2 pc minced)
  • Minced garlic - 2Tbsp
(A)Marinate sauce for chicken and mushrooms
  • Oyster sauce - 2 Tbsp
  • Thick soy sauce - 1/4 tsp
  • Light soy sauce - 1 Tbsp
  • Sugar - 1Tbsp
  • Sesame oil - a little bit
  • White pepper - a little bit
  • Cooking white rice wine- 1/2 Tbsp
  • Ginger - 1 Tbsp (minced)
  • Corn starch- 1 Tbsp 
(B) Sauce for Glutinous rice
  • Thick soy sauce - 1/2 tsp
  • Sesame oil - 1 tsp
  • Oyster sauce - 2 Tbsp
  • Soy sauce- 1 Tbsp
  • Sugar-1 Tbsp
  • white pepper powder - a little bit
  • Five spices powder - a little bit
(C) Sauce ( to cover on top of glutinous rice)
  • Minced 2 cloves garlic & 2 small onion. Fry with cooking oil until golden brown color.
  • Add in 250 ml water ,
  • oyster sauce 3 Tbsp
  • sesame oil 1/2tsp
  • a little bit of white pepper powder ,
  • soy sauce 1/2 Tbsp
  • Sugar 2 Tbsp
  • White rice wine 1 tsp
1.Marinate chicken & mushrooms with (A) sauce overnight.
2. Fry small onion & garlic until golden brown with some cooking oil. Add in glutinous rice fry for 7-8 min then add in sauce (B). Mix well.
3. Prepare 7 bowls put in mushroom, chicken, lap cheong, egg, and finally add in glutinous rice that's being fried. Pressed with spoon.
4. Add in sauce C evenly into each bowls (just enough to cover glutinous rice will do) steam over high heat 30min, continue low heat for another 15 min. Use a spoon to take out the rice. Served hot.

这个糯米鸡的味道很棒, 是我喜欢的, 不会太重口味, 也没有外面的那么油腻。 而且这次的有加入鸡蛋, 感觉自制的糯米鸡也很丰富, 不输外头的。 偶尔在家用心的下橱, 除了增添生活的乐趣外,也吃得更安心健康。


  1. 为什么最后还要加酱料(C)? 糯米炒的时候已经调味了

    1. 这个酱料是需要的, 加了会比较入味, 而且不会干。
