
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Cranberry Orange Cookies 香橙蔓越莓饼干

年饼当中, 有好几个都是心头最爱, 所以都会每年重复做。 但是我还是有一直去尝试新的食谱,看看有没有一些落网之鱼。 昨天我终于找到一个令我很满意的年饼了, 里头放了腰豆, 蔓越莓干, 再加上香橙的天然香味, 真的好好吃。 如果你是喜欢香脆的饼干, 这个你应该尝试一下, 可能会爱上它哦!

  • 奶油 160g
  • 糖粉 100g
  • 蛋, 1粒,小
  • 面粉 250g
  • 发粉 1.5tsp
  • 苏打粉 1/4tsp
  • 香橙削 1Tbsp
  • 蔓越莓干, 80g 切碎
  • 开心果, 腰豆, 50g 切碎
  • 糖 80g
  • 香橙削 1Tbsp
  1. 先准备香橙糖霜, 把香橙削和糖混合一起备用。 
  2. 面粉, 发粉和苏打粉混合过筛备用。 
  3. 用搅拌器把奶油和过筛的糖份搅打至幼滑, 慢慢加入蛋液。 
  4. 加入一半的面粉, 用刮刀拌匀。 
  5. 加入其余的面粉, 还有蔓越莓干和坚果。 稍微拌匀即可。
  6. 取1/2Tbsp的面糊, 揉成圆形。 放入香橙糖霜滚一滚, 让它沾上糖霜。排放在烤盘。
  7. 用玻璃杯底把圆球压扁。
  8. 放入预热170'C的烤箱, 烤大概13-15分钟。 
Cranberry Orange Cookies
Source: Table for 2... or more 
~made around 60+ pieces
  • 160gm salted butter
  • 100gm icing sugar
  • 1 small egg
  • 250gm plain flour
  • 1.5tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1 Tbsp orange zest
  • 80gm dried cranberries, chopped
  • 50gm pistachios or macadamia, chopped (I used cashew nuts)
Orange sugar
  • 80gm sugar
  • 1 Tbsp orange zest
1. Prepare orange sugar. Mix sugar with orange zest. Set aside.
2. Sift flour together with baking powder and baking soda. Set aside.
3. Cream butter with icing sugar and egg until creamy and smooth.
4. Pour half the sifted flour into the creamed butter and mix until just combined.
5. Mix the remaining flour with chopped cranberries and pistachios and pour into the dough. Mix until just combined.
6. Take 1/2 Tbsp of dough and shape into balls. Roll them in the orange sugar. Place the balls 2 inches apart on a lined baking tray.
7. Flatten each ball with the bottom of a glass.
8. Bake in a preheated oven at 160(fan)/180C for around 13 to 15 minutes until the edges are lightly golden.

这次我用了大概5粒橙, 所以饼干烘烤出来很有香味。 这个饼干很脆口, 外头加了糖霜也不会觉得太甜, 一块接一块地吃, 有点难停口。 这个食谱要好好收藏了, 下次可以再做, 因为真的很合我的口味。

I’m submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone Jan & Feb 2015 Event Theme: My Homemade Cookies organized by Fion of XuanHom’s Mom and co-hosted by Victoria Bakes


  1. cranberry and orange is a very good marriage. i can imagine how gorgeous these are.. am already yearning for it..

    tks for linking this to Best Recipes

  2. 香橙与蔓越莓真是好朋友,太香了!

  3. 你好,尝试了你家的杏仁蔓莓饼干,好喜欢!这款加入鲜橙的应该也会很好吃!先收起来。

    1. 之前那个我也喜欢, 但是这个比较脆, 更喜欢了。

  4. 我在大老远已经闻到香橙味了。。。好香。。。哈哈哈

  5. 感觉是一款好吃的饼干! 决定让它也在我家漂香! 谢谢Min :)

  6. How should the cookies be stored and how long can it lasts?
    - Yean Nee

    1. Sorry, just realize your question. Store in air tight container and can last for around one month.
