
Friday, December 21, 2012

巧克力乳酪面包 Chocolate Cream Cheese Bun

末日快乐! 不管末日是否来临, 我真的希望是一个新的开始, 让过去的过去, 要有一种除旧换新的感觉。 这几天还一直沉醉在圣诞节的气氛, 感觉到年尾了, 很多聚会庆祝都快乐的进行着。 有一群好朋友围绕着的感觉真的很温馨很温暖, 有苦一起担, 有快乐的事情一同分享, 能遇到他们, 我觉得我是幸运的。这次还是忍不住, 把面包粒再次排成圣诞树, 但是这次有点比上次逊色, 不过面包是很好吃的。 

  • 高筋面粉 300g
  • 巧克力粉 30g
  • 速发酵母 5g
  • 细糖 65g
  • 盐 5g
  • 牛奶粉 1 Tbsp 
  • 水 190g
  • 奶油 40g
  • 奶油乳酪 (室温)250g
  • 糖粉 50g
  • 车打起司片 (切碎) 2片 
  • 蛋液, 杏仁碎装饰
  1. 用搅拌器把面团的材料 (除了奶油)混合, 搅打至光滑后再加入奶油搅拌。  (我用KA, 速度4, 15分钟)
  2.  面团第一次发酵, 大概40分钟或双倍大。
  3. 面团发酵的同时, 把奶油乳酪和糖粉搅拌均匀, 分成11个圆球, 放入冰箱待用。
  4. 面团排气后, 分成11份, 包入馅料。 
  5. 第二次发酵大概45分钟, 或者双倍大。
  6. 抹上蛋液, 撒上杏仁碎。 
  7. 放入预热180‘C烤箱烤大概15分钟。 
Chocolate Cream Cheese Bun (adapted from Table for 2..... or more)
Original recipe source: Chef Alan Ooi

300gm bread flour
30gm cocoa powder
5gm instant yeast
65gm sugar
5gm salt
1 Tbsp full cream milk powder
190gm water
40gm butter

250gm cream cheese, room temperature
50gm icing sugar
2 slices of cheddar cheese, chopped

1 egg, beaten
Almond nibs

1.Combine dough ingredients and knead until window pane stage. (KA speed 4, 15 minutes)
2. Cover and let it proof til double.
3. Meanwhile, mix cream cheese with icing sugar and cheddar cheese, form into 10 blobs and keep chilled until time of use.
4. Divide dough into 10 pcs and wrap with filling.
5. Place wrapped dough onto a lined tray, and let it proof for 45 minutes, until puffy and big.
6. Preheat oven at 160(fan)/180C.
7. Brush the top of dough with beaten egg and sprinkle almond nibs over.
8. Bake for 15 minutes or until done.

这个面包在家里很受欢迎, 因为有厚厚的乳酪内馅, 真的很诱人, 我自己也很捧场的一次过吃了两粒。 这次我有额外在内馅加入一些坚果碎, 感觉口感更好。 其实现在觉得做面包没有想像的难, 因为粉红小K是个好帮手, 越来越喜欢它了。


  1. 让夫人有股冲动想试做啊。。。

  2. Min~~

    1. 谢谢! 不过我有很多面包要跟你学习啊, 你是面包师傅!

  3. Very yummy looking, I wanna have it can? ^^

  4. Haha, can can, I bake for you if I go KL again :)

  5. Dear Min, how to make the bread that not sticky ya? i make this bread but is sticky, and i also cannot get the window pane after 15 minites before adding the butter..can you explain to me why ar? haha, im the first time bread making.
    actually i know how to confirm the cake is baked or not but how to confirm the bread is baked?

    1. Hi Yan, did you knead using your hands or using machine? I'm using Kitchen Aid for bread kneading, it roughly needs around 20-25 minutes to get it done. As how to know a bread is done, I usually trust my oven, haha, and usually I will observe the changes of the crust colour. May you can refer this article for more information.
      Merry Christmas!

    2. Im using kitchen aid also.haha,mine one same colour with ur one..ok,means need to knead about 20minutes only can add in d butter,rite..i try next time more question is,if i want to use 汤种to make bread,what the nisbah with d dry flour ar?
      ur baking scale really good,i like to baking too,got time will 请教你。

    3. Sorry, Yan, just read your reply now. Oh, we have the same sweet pink colour kitchen aid :) Yeah, I always knead for 15-20 minutes before adding in butter, you can try next time. As for the 汤种, you need to refer back to the recipe, because different recipe will give different kind of 汤种, so hard to say it for all.

  6. Dear Min agian, forgot to wish you merry christmas too..and my name is yan..

  7. 请问,我可以直接放进面包机打成面团吗?
