
Thursday, June 6, 2013

火腿乳酪鲜菇佛卡夏 Ham Cheese & Mushroom Focaccia

写部落格的其中一个好处就是随时可以找回以前自己曾经做过的烘焙或者菜肴。 还是有时候要重复以前用过的食谱时, 也可以比较容易的找回来。 这个佛卡夏其实早在四年前第一尝试做, 那时候用的是DailyDelicious的食谱, 而这次就选来Jessie的来尝试。

-可做出一个 6 x 8 x 2’’的佛卡夏
  • 高筋面粉 250g
  • 橄榄油 10ml
  • 速发酵母 4g
  • 盐  2g
  • 水 150ml
  • Gruyere 乳酪 200g
  • 火腿 150g
  • 鲜菇, 切片 90g
  • 百里香叶 1tsp
  • 黑胡椒粉 适量
  • 迷迭香 15幼枝
  • 橄榄油 2Tbsp
  • 海盐 少许
  1. 用面包机, 调去’面团‘的设定, 把面团揉好。 然后拿出来发酵大概一个小时或者双倍大。
  2. 发酵完毕后, 面团分成两份。 烤盘抹上油, 然后把其中一份面团均匀的铺在烤盘上。 
  3. 把火腿, 鲜菇, 百里香和乳酪铺在上面, 撒上胡椒粉。 
  4. 再把另一份擀成成同样的大小, 铺在上面。 再发酵大概1个小时或者双倍大。
  5. 手指沾上少许油, 在面包上头弄出15个小洞, 再放入迷迭香, 再抹上橄榄油, 撒上盐。 
  6. 在烤箱里头喷些水制造水蒸气, 放入预热180’C的烤箱烤25-30分钟。 烘烤过程最好也要在烤箱喷水大概3次。 
Ham Cheese & Mushroom Focaccia
Makes a 6 x 8 x 2’’ Focaccia in a 1.5L Pyrex Dish

Dough Ingredients:
  • 250g Bread Flour
  • 10ml Olive Oil
  • 4g Instant Dried Yeast
  • 2g Salt
  • 150ml Water
Filling Ingredients:
  • 200g Gruyere Cheese, thinly sliced
  • 150g Shredded Ham
  • 90g Fresh Cup Mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • 1tsp Dried Thyme
  • Some Cracked Black Pepper
Topping Ingredients:
  • 15 Small Sprigs Fresh Rosemary
  • 2tbsp Olive Oil
  • Some Sea Salt
1.For the dough, place all dough ingredients in a breadmaker,  set to “Dough” only setting, then, press the “Start” button. My machine takes 30 minutes to knead & 1 hour to proof. Spray the top with some water at the beginning of the proofing.
2.When the proofing is complete, divide the dough into 2 equal portion, about 200g each.  Oil the Pyrex dish & fingers. Stretch out 1 dough to fit into the dish.
3.Arrange the ham on top, followed by the mushroom, dried thyme & cheese. Sprinkle with some cracked black pepper.
4.Oil the fingers again & stretch out the other half of the dough, cover on top of the cheese.  Let to proof in a warm place until double its size.  This took me 1 1/2hours to complete in a warm oven.
5.When it is ready, oil a finger & make 15 dimples on the top & press in the sprigs of rosemary. Drizzle some oil over the top of the dough. Sprinkle with some sea salt.
6.Spray some water in the oven to create steam, then bake in a 180 preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until the top is golden & crisp.  Spray water up to 3 times during the baking period to create a very crisp focaccia.
这个食谱看似很长, 但是就是跟一般的面包食谱没有太大的分别, 这次的面包我是用KitcheAid来打面团, 没有用面包机。 而且也用罐头蘑菇代替了鲜菇, 至于那个乳酪我是用莫薩里拉乳酪。 那个水蒸气的烘烤法, 真的可以弄到面包的外皮比较香脆爽口, 所趁热吃最好。 这样有夹馅的面包直接吃就可以了, 很适合当早餐或则下午茶。 
可以参考这个做佛卡夏的视频, 蛮有帮助的。 


  1. Tiene que estar muy buenos esos pasteles del nuevo año chino.

    Saludos, Manolo (Sevilla - España)

  2. Thanks for sharing all the delicious dishes and recipes. I had tried few of your recipes and I must said 'Thumbs up'. My three gentlemen had gave a good compliment on those dishes. Happy cooking! :)

    1. Hi hi, you are welcome! I got many awesome recipes from your blog, thanks for sharing. Lets enjoy the fun of cooking together!

  3. Min, very delicious-looking focaccia & lots of fillings too! Looks like you had made this long before me, hehe! Thanks for the shout out! Have a nice day!

    1. Thanks Jessie for sharing this recipe, it's a keeper, will try out morer of your recipes soon.

  4. Replies
    1. 这个你可以试试看, 真的不错, 很适合当早餐的。

  5. Min, looks really nice, especially the filling, sure cannot resist!

    1. Thanks, Jess! Try this out if have a chance, worth trying recipe!

  6. Min, 佛卡夏面包我还没做过,下回一定要试试看这食谱,谢谢分享! :)
