
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

蜜汁芝麻鸡块 Honey Sesame Chicken

这个蜜汁芝麻鸡块好久没有吃了, 记得小时候比较常吃这种比较‘家常’的菜式, 反而这几年下来, 有点把它忘记了。 看似简单的家常菜, 却很好配饭, 只是炸鸡块方面得需要花些小耐心。

  • 3块鸡胸肉/1/2只鸡- 切小块
  • 酱油 1Tbsp
  • 米酒 1Tbsp
  • 麻油 1/2Tbsp
  • 糖 1tsp
  • 面粉 2Tbsp
  • 粟粉 2Tbsp
  • 盐和胡椒粉 调味
  • 甜辣椒酱 3Tbsp
  • 番茄酱 2Tbsp
  • 蜂蜜 1-2 Tbsp
  • 蚝油 1Tbsp
  • 酱油 2Tbsp
  • 水 1/4杯
  • 芝麻 (先烤过)
  1. 鸡块先用酱油, 米酒, 糖, 麻油, 盐和胡椒粉腌制大概一个小时。 把面粉和粟粉混合一起, 跟鸡块混合。 
  2. 准备炸油, 把鸡块炸至金黄色, 取出。 
  3. 把酱汁材料全部混合好, 倒入一个锅,煮滚, 让酱汁变浓稠。
  4. 加入鸡块, 再把它们混合好。 洒上芝麻即可。 
Honey Sesame Chicken
Source: My Kitchen Snippets
  • 3 pieces of chicken breast or 1/2 chicken - cut to bite size pieces
  • 1 tbsp of light soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp of cooking wine
  • 1/2 tbsp of sesame oil
  • 1 tsp of sugar
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 1 tbsp rice flour or cornstarch
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 3 tbsp of sweet chili sauce
  • 2 tbsp of tomato ketchup
  • 1- 2 tbsp of honey (depend on how sweet you want)
  • 1 tbsp of oyster sauce
  • 2 tbsp of light soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • some toasted sesame seed
1. Marinate chicken with soy sauce, wine, sugar, sesame oil, salt and pepper and set it aside for at least an hour. Just before frying mix the 2 type of flour together and mix it into the chicken.
2. Prepare oil for frying. Fry chicken until golden brown, dish out and drain the oil in paper towel. Remove all the oil from the pan.
3. Mix all the sauce ingredients together and pour it back into the pan. Bring it up to a boil and let the sauce thicken a bit.
4. Add in the chicken and toss it gently until the chicken are evenly coated with the sauce. Sprinkle the sesame seeds to the chicken. Serve with warm rice.

其实这道菜肴没有太复杂, 至少需要用到的材料都随手可得, 所以当周末脑海里想不出要煮什么的时候, 这个是个不错的选择。 而且可以酱汁代甜, 很好配饭的。 这次我用的是去骨的鸡腿肉, 感觉没有太适合, 还是去骨鸡胸肉比较好, 比较有口感。 下次再来尝试过!


  1. 这个食谱我记下了〜这个周末动手!

  2. Replies
    1. 还有一个星期我又要疯狂购物了, 好不期待!

  3. 哇~这个好喜欢哟!我可以吃很多饭涅~

  4. I can wipe out the whole plate ! Looks very tantalizing.

  5. Hi Min, children would love this dish and adults too. It's so appetising and delicious.

    1. Hi Kimmy! Yeah, it's worth trying, my family loves this very much!

  6. This is very yummy, i like this. sure my kids also love this.

  7. 喜欢这,我弟更爱!这星期他回来,我可以准备这之中之一的菜单上了。^_^

  8. 這個配飯可好吃了。
