Thursday, May 24, 2012

热烘烘の三文鱼法式咸派 Caramelized Onion & Salmon Quiche

那天跟好友谈天, 说到突然很想感谢一些人, 感谢他们对我的好, 感谢他们在我需要的时候把耳朵耐心的借给我, 每次就是这些‘有他们在’的人, 让我更加的有勇气和热诚面对未来的一切。 其实有时觉得, 别人对自己的好也不是理所当然, 所以就是抱着一颗感恩的心, 期望多年以后,我还会牢记着这份感谢的心情。

好了, 感谢词说完后, 要分享这个三文鱼法式咸派了。 不久以前, 在一个餐厅尝试过让人吃了回味无穷的咸派, 所以我又要来挑战了。 原来做这样的咸派真的不简单, 除了说材料的准备功夫不少, 而且还要准备派皮, 少点耐心都不能。 所以我为了这个派, 忙了整个下午, 等我从烤箱拿出来后, 太阳也下山了, 所以我的照片也有点难过的感觉。

派皮 (10“的圆烤盘)
  • 面粉 90g
  • 盐 1/2tsp
  • 细糖 1/2tsp
  • 牛油 (切小块) 113g
  • 冰水 1/8-1/4杯 
  1. 奶油块加入面粉, 盐, 和糖, 用叉子或者手指不断揉搓,直到搓匀 (混合好的面粉看上去应该是像粗玉米粉的样子)。
  2. 在面粉里加入冰水,揉成面团后就可停止。 
  3. 把面团用保鲜膜包着, 擀成片状, 放入冰箱定型 (至少1个小时)
  4. 面团取出, 擀成大概14"直径, 1/8“的厚度, 铺在10”的派盘中, 用手轻压面片,使它和派盘贴合紧密。
  5. 把多余的面片用刀子切断, 再用叉子在派皮上插洞, 防止派皮烤的时候鼓起。再放入冰箱冷藏或冷冻30分钟。

  • 红洋葱- 2个 (切片, 然后在锅里放些油, 开中火, 把洋葱片炒到稍微褐色  )
  • 三文鱼-1片 (切块)
  • 牛奶 1/2杯
  • 鲜奶油 1/2杯
  • 全蛋 2个 + 蛋黄 1个
  • 黑胡椒粉 适量
  • 莳萝 1根
  • 车打起司 150g
  1. 派皮上放一張烘焙, 放入烤派石(我没有, 所以就放了红豆), 然后放入预热180‘C的烤箱, 烤大概25分钟, 直到派皮周围开始上色。 取出烘焙纸和红豆, 继续烤至派皮比较干, 大概5-10分钟, 取出, 待凉。
  2. 等待的当儿, 可以准备馅料。 把牛奶, 鲜奶油, 鸡蛋混合, 加入黑胡椒粉调味。 
  3. 把一半的起司铺在派皮, 然后放上洋葱, 三文鱼块, 还有莳萝, 最后再铺上剩下的起司。 最后慢慢倒入面糊。 
  4. 放入烤箱, 烤大概30-35分钟。 
 Caramelized Onion & Salmon Quiche (Adapted from Elinluv's Sweet Delights

For the crust: 
  • All purpose flour 90g
  • Salt 1/2tsp
  • Sugar 1/2tsp
  • Cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces 113g
  • Ice water 1/8-1/4cup
  1. Pulse flour, salt, and sugar in a food processor  (or whisk together by hand in a bowl ) Add butter, and pulse ( or quickly cut in with a pastry blender or your fingertips) until mixture resembles coarse meal, with some larger pieces remaining. Drizzle 1/4 cup water over mixture. Pulse ( or mix with a fork ) until mixture just begins to hold together. If dough is too dry, add 1/4 cup more water, 1 tbsp at a time, and pulse ( or with a fork ).
  2. Divide dough in half onto two pieces of plastic wrap. Gather into two balls, wrap loosely in plastic, and press each into a disk using a rolling pin. Refrigerate until firm, well wrapped in plastic, 1 hour or up to 1 day.
  3. On a lightly floured surface, roll out dough to a 14 " round, about 1/8" thick. Fit into a 10" round fluted tart pan with a removable bottom, gently pressing dough to fit. With a small knife or rolling pin, trim excess dough flush with rim. Pierce bottom of shell all over with a fork. Refrigerate or freeze until firm, about 30 minutes.
For the filling:
  • 2 red onions - diced - caramelized ( heat oil in a skillet over medium. Add diced onions and cook over medium low, stirring frequently until brown and caramelized )
  • 1 piece salmon fillet - cubed or sliced
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 2 large eggs plus 1 large egg yolk
  • coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 sprig of dill
  • 1 1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
  1. Preheat oven to 375F or 180C . Line shell with parchment, and fill with pie weights or dried beans. Bake until crust is beginning to brown at edges, about 25 minutes. Remove parchment and weights, bake until bottom of crust is dry, but not yet golden brown, 5 to 10 minutes more. Transfer shell to a wire rack to cool slightly.
  2. Meanwhile, make the filling of your choice, then prepare the custard : In a medium bowl, whisk together milk, cream, eggs and yolk until combined, and season with salt and pepper.  
  3. Sprinkle half the cheese evenly over bottom of crust. Sprinkle with filling ( caramelized onions, salmon cubes and bacon chips and dill )  , then top with remaining cheese. Carefully pour custard over cheese. Bake until just set in the center, 30-35 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool at least 10 minutes before serving. Serve warm or at room temperature.
 对我来说, 这个食谱难在准备派皮的过程, 可能我的水加太多, 所以面团非常黏 手, 很难处理。 而且我放冰箱大概一个小时就取出, 还是一样黏, 那时候还真的有点想放弃的念头。 所以我的派皮是随便铺了就算。 还好, 最后的成品没有太难看。

不过最喜欢这次的馅料了, 三文鱼配上起司, 真的很不错, 感觉这样的咸派就是我想要的, 非常合我的心意。很谢谢 Elin分享这么棒的食谱, 虽然过程不容易, 但是却有大大的满足感。 下次再挑战, 要做得更好!



  1. Replies
    1. 哈哈, 没关系, 你要去玩了, 弄得我很羡慕。


    2. 迟点你嘛是去

  2. 哇,斤两十足的派。。。太诱人了。

    1. 真的放了一堆的材料, 所以材料不输外面的。

  3. 咸味的肯定好吃,而且还有我喜欢吃的三文鱼,

    1. 哈哈, 吃惯甜味的点心, 所以要做些咸的来吃, 换下口味。

  4. 很巧,我前几天也做了Quiche但是我是做bacon和cheese口味的。今天来吃你这个很诱人的pie,等我上了,请你来吃好吗?

    1. 那么巧噢, 我看看你的怎样做, 我要学, bacon and cheese我也很喜欢! 到时去你家吃噢!

  5. 看到beh tahan哦!!

    1. 哈哈, 每次我看到你们美丽的甜点, 我也好想直接拿来吃呢!

  6. 想学做咸派很久了,只是一直拖到忘了,嘻嘻!

    1. 我这个呢, 其实也拖了好久, 终于有机会尝试了, 没有让我失望。

  7. Min....thanks for the mention and glad that you tried it out :)

    1. Elin, really want to thank you for sharing this recipe with us, I really love this quiche, will try making this again!

  8. In fact, i also bookmarked Elin's recipe long ago, but everytime think of the long process, i am lazy to give it a try, now i enjoy your nice quiche first..yummy!

    1. Sonia, haha, it took me some time to get all the ingredients ready too, but I think this is worth trying, the quiche is really yummy!
