
Thursday, June 5, 2014

照烧三文鱼 Teriyaki Salmon

这次又来一个照烧的食谱, 看来我是爱上了这个口味。 平时我的三文鱼我都会用锡纸包起来, 拿去烤箱烤一烤, 简单又方便。 这次三文鱼的煮法, 也是简单的, 半个小时里头就可以搞定了, 所以我在厨房忙一会儿后, 就有美味佳肴上桌了。


  • 三文鱼块 2片
  • 黑胡椒粉
  • 面粉 1Tbsp
  • 橄榄油 ½ Tbsp
  • 牛油 1Tbsp
  • 日本清酒 1Tbsp


  • 日本清酒 1Tbsp
  • 味琳 1Tbsp
  • 糖 1Tbsp
  • 酱油  2Tbsp
  1. 调味料的材料混合均匀。 把三文鱼抹干, 加入盐和黑胡椒粉腌制。
  2. 三文鱼的两面抹上面粉, 把多余的面粉拍掉。
  3. 平底锅内开中火, 放入橄榄油, 把牛油溶化。
  4. 加入三文鱼片, 皮部份向下。 煮三分钟, 或者到底面转褐色。
  5. 加入日本清酒, 盖上锅盖。 煮3分钟, 或者熟透。 把三文鱼取出。 
  6. 把调味料倒入锅内, 加热。 开始滚后, 把三文鱼加入, 再把酱汁重复淋在三文鱼上。 
  7. 酱汁浓稠后可以熄火。

Teriyaki Salmon
Source: Just One Cookbook

  • 2 salmon fillets with skin
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 Tbsp. flour
  • ½ Tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp. butter
  • 1 Tbsp. sake
  • 1 Tbsp. sake
  • 1 Tbsp. mirin
  • 1 Tbsp. sugar
  • 2 Tbsp. soy sauce
  1. Combine the ingredients for Seasonings and mix well until the sugar is mostly dissolved .Rinse the salmon and pat dry. Season the salmon with salt and black pepper on both sides.
  2. Sprinkle ½ Tbsp. of flour on one side of salmon and spread evenly. Flip over and sprinkle the rest of flour on the other side. Gently remove the excess flour.
  3. In a frying pan, add the olive oil and melt the butter over medium heat. Don’t burn the butter. If the flying pan gets too hot, reduce heat or remove from the heat temporally.
  4. Add the salmon fillets, skin side on the bottom. Cook the salmon for 3 minutes, or until the bottom side is nicely browned.
  5. Add sake and cover with lid. Steam the salmon for 3 minutes, or until it's cooked through. Remove the salmon to a plate.
  6. Add the Seasonings to the pan and heat up. When the sauce starts to boil, add salmon back in the pan and spoon the sauce over the salmon.
  7. When the sauce thickens, turn off the heat. Plate the salmon e on warmed plate and serve immediately.

自从爱上日本餐后, 就喜欢买三文鱼回来煮了。 三文鱼的煮法也不少, 这个照烧的我自己非常喜欢, 因为有酱汁可以配饭。 之前尝试了照烧鸡, 现在的照烧三文鱼, 接下来我会再想想还有什么可以用照烧酱的 :)


  1. 我没有在家弄给三文鱼,可是看你的分享好像又蛮容易的

    1. 哈哈, 这的蛮简单的, 很快就可以开饭了!

  2. 看到我都流口水了,超爱照烧口味和三文鱼的啊!XD

    1. 是哦, 照烧豆腐我没有试过, 下次我找食谱来试试!

  3. Hi, thanks for sharing yr lovely recipe.May I know which brand of sake &mirin u use and where can we buy them? Thanks!

    Catherine Teo

    1. I'm using Midai brand, it's from Vietnam, I get them from Jusco.

  4. looks so yummy, n the steps like not difficult , i wana try.wat sake brand u use? and wat is mirin actually. thanks

    1. Mirin is actually quite similar to rice wine, which usually used in Japanese cuisine. I'm using Midai brand, can get from most supermarket. Should give it a try!
