又来一款新的饼干, 这个真的很合我的口味。 因为有咖啡的香味, 又有香脆的杏仁片, 口感又没有太硬, 用来配搭咖啡当下午茶, 最适合不过了。 这个食谱的做法不会太难, 途中要把面团放入冰箱冷藏好后, 再切块拿去烘烤就可以了。 大家不妨这个新年试试看!
- 即溶咖啡 2tsp
- 滚水 1tsp
- 香草精 1tsp
- 奶油 150g
- 黄糖 50g
- 鸡蛋 1粒 (55g)
- 普通面粉 200g
- 粟粉 50g
- 糖粉 100g
- 全脂奶粉 30g
- 杏仁片 100g, 稍微压碎
- 把即溶咖啡粉很滚水混合, 咖啡粉溶化后加入香草精。
- 普通面粉, 粟粉和糖粉过筛后和全脂奶粉混合好。
- 奶油加入黄糖用电动搅拌器搅拌均匀, 加入鸡蛋, 继续搅拌, 加入咖啡液体, 再混合均匀。
- 加入粉类, 用刮刀混合好, 再加入杏仁碎, 混合均匀。
- 用一个9寸的方形烤盘, 铺好烘焙纸, 把面团放入, 把表面磨平后, 把周围的烘焙纸盖上, 再压平。 大家可以参考wemdy的步骤图。
放入冰箱冷藏2-3个小时。 - 把面团切成4个长条, 然后再切每个6-7mm的厚度, 放入烤盘。
- 放入预热170‘C的烤箱, 烤15-17分钟。
Source: Table for 2 ...or more
- 2 tsp Nescafé instant coffee
- 1 tsp boiling water
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 150gm salted butter
- 50gm brown sugar
- 1 egg (around 55g)
- 200gm plain flour
- 50gm cornstarch
- 100gm icing sugar
- 30gm full cream milk powder
- 100gm almond flakes, lightly crushed
2. Sift plain flour, cornstarch and icing sugar together. Then mix in full cream milk powder. Set aside.
3. Beat butter with brown sugar for one minute, add in egg and beat until combined. Pour in the coffee mixture and beat until combined.
4. Add in flour mixture and mix until combined. Put in almond flakes and mix until combined.
5. Spoon the dough into a full lined 8 inch square pan. Press down the dough and cover with another piece of baking paper. Fold down the overlaps and apply some pressure to level the dough. To have an idea of how to line and wrap, see this picture
6. Chill for 2 to 3 hours.
7. Preheat oven to 180C. Line 2 large baking trays with non stick baking paper
8. Remove chilled dough from fridge and cut into 4 long bars. Cut each bar into 6-7mm thick slices.
9. Arrange the dough slices with some space allocated for expansion. Keep balance of dough in fridge if not baked immediately
10 Bake for 15-17 minutes or until the edges take some some colour.
这个饼干在家很受欢迎, 因为很有咖啡的香味, 而且不会太甜, 大家都很喜欢。 那天喝一口咖啡, 再吃一块饼干, 在悠闲的下午, 顿然有种幸福的感觉。 这个是自己很满意的年饼, 想收藏起来, 下次还可以再做。
great! thank you so much