Tuesday, June 3, 2008


请了两天的假期,去了吉隆坡一趟。主要其实是学校假期,然后小妹说要到那边的华文书市看看, 再加上我也觉得是时候让自己充电一下了, 所以一个月前就决定好要去了。每次去到那边,除了购物逛街外,就是去吃了。然后这次小妹也要求要去上次她看中的一件餐厅,叫做Marche. 餐厅特别之处应该是一进门的时候就会给一人一个本passport 然后那边的食物多数是现煮的,每次点了食物,就会在那本护照打一个印做记录。


里面的环境很不错,但是食物选择不是很多。最后我们点了Rosti, 类似炒马铃薯条,配上蘑菇鸡肉丝,我觉得很不错。还有就是烤鸡肉,我觉得味道普通,没有什么特别啦。最后要离开的时候就拿护照去付钱就可以了。我觉得餐厅的概念不错, 但是价钱和食物的选择只是普通而已。

-Rosti, 我喜欢这到菜-

- 很普通的烤鸡肉-

-里面的环境, 很有味道-

觉得这次我又吃了很多, 回去真的要好好运动了, 我不要变胖啊, 哈哈。

今天我还有一天可以休息, 明天就要回去工作了。 突然觉得放假的心情真好, 可以做很多自己喜欢的事情, 在自己快乐的世界里享受着, 真的有幸福的感觉:)

p/s: 如往常, 把照片都整理好了在相薄里头。


  1. oh you went to Marche? review in english pls! I love the rosti (?) - potato dish they serve. and the desserts range. though tempted to order a lot, but the bill piles up b4 you know it. hehe ... did you try the Movenpick ice cream?

  2. is it the one at the curve?? very expensive one wo... like pasar-style, rite?? yeah, the environment there is great.... hehe....

  3. James:Yes, I went to Marche. I like their Rosti also, but their dessert didn't look tempting to me. I didn't try their Movenpick ice-cream, nice? Didn't even notice any ice-cream there wo, hehe. Anyway, I think some of their items are over-priced lo...

    ChiewAng: Yeah, it'sh at The Curve, something like pasar style. I love the environment too, but as you said, really not cheap...

  4. 這家新加坡的店我有去過,還去很多次,因為對我來說很像飯店BUFFET,如果要說好吃就是他的義大利水果冰淇淋薄餅吧^^可以說每次去都有點,我去馬來西亞再帶我去一次吧 ^^
