Sunday, November 2, 2008

Simple Banana Cupcake

Initially, I planned to make Cookies n Cream Cupcake for our so called "Eat-All-You-Cat Fiesta". However, I changed my mind last minute, since I've a special request for Banana Cupcake, hehe. In order to enhance the flavor of banana, very riped banana should be used. I followed one of the recipes from Agnes's recipe book, but I did make some modification.

For half of the portion, I made some crumbs to be added on top of the cupcake. The crumb was made up of brown sugar, flour, butter and cinnamon powder, so it gave a sweet taste and crunchy texture. I didn't bring this portion for the Fiesta, because I don't think they look really good. Further more, the crumb will taste better if it's served hot.

Banana Cupcake with crumb

As for the other half portion of the batter, I just decorated it with a piece of sliced banana.

Someone thought it's a piece of mushroom on top, and some said is come?

To share one recipe book I got as my Farewell gift, hehe. It will be added to my recipe book collection and maybe more cake baking in future? Hahaha...

A big thank you to my friends for this gift...really appreciate it :)


  1. 那一本書是誰送的?原來妳回家做了香蕉瑪芬蛋糕喔^^看起來挺不錯^^

  2. aiya. shouldve brought both ma .... can taste your creations! :)

    thanks for the cupcakes.

  3. Oops,到底是谁揭穿了蛋糕小公主的秘密?:P 我看你不是小公主,是女皇才对。你太会做蛋糕了吧!好好吃哦!

  4. yeah yeah.. thanks for the BANANA cupcakes.. hehe... i ate TWO... muahahaha... can i take the 3rd?? =P
    it's very very YUMMY~~~ hehe...

  5. Ling: 我可以肯定了,你没有收到我msn的留言是不是? 我跟你说了很多东西啊。。。 蛋糕我等你来这里的时候才弄给你吃吧,呵呵。。。记得不要想我~

    James: That results were not that good, wait till I make better ones, only let you all try ma.

    SuWei: 我觉得那个已经不是一个秘密了,不过谢谢你为我按那么可爱的名字,哈哈!

  6. office cafe sells yummy banana cake as well. yum!!
