Wednesday, September 22, 2010

与众不同的"乳酪巧克力小蛋糕" Black Bottom Cupcake

本来蛋糕的造型不是这样的, 竟然让我误打误撞烤出这样的杯子蛋糕。 这个食谱也是放了很久, 然后到现在才被我挖出来了。

我的蛋糕之所以会这样, 是因为没有把步骤读好。 巧克力面糊放进杯子过后, 奶油乳酪的面糊应该是放在巧克力面糊的中间, 但是我却只是把它们放在上面。 所以就形成了一层的奶油乳酪, 一层巧克力蛋糕的情况。

就是这样分上下层, 不过我觉得这样感觉也不错, 有不一样的视觉。

不过虽然外形是有点不一样, 不过这个食谱真的如大家所说的一样, 真的很棒。 巧克力蛋糕跟奶油乳酪的配搭, 增加了不同的风味, 这样吃奶油乳酪, 真的不会那么腻。

而且如果仔细注意的话, 会发觉巧克力蛋糕体的制作方式跟一般的蛋糕有异哦。 感觉蛋糕体有点像马芬的制作方式, 把湿和干的材料稍微混合就可以了。

巧克力蛋糕体我很喜欢, 不会太干, 而且有浓浓的巧克力味道, 很棒。

食谱 (取自Joy of Baking)

  • 奶油乳酪 226g
  • 细糖 60g
  • 蛋(大) 1粒
  • 香草精 1/2 tsp
  • 面粉 195g
  • 细糖 200g
  • 可可粉 30g
  • 苏打粉 (baking soda) 1tsp
  • 盐 1/4tsp
  • 水 240ml
  • 植物油 80ml
  • 白醋 1tbsp
  • 香草精 1tsp

用搅拌器把奶油乳酪搅拌至滑, 加入细糖, 蛋和香草精, 搅拌均匀, 备用。

  1. 把全部液体材料混合一起 (水,油, 白醋和香草精)。
  2. 面粉, 苏打粉和可可粉过筛后, 加入细糖和盐混合一起。
  3. 在粉料中间弄一个洞, 倒入液体材料, 轻轻拌匀, 均匀混合即可。
  4. 记得不要搅拌太久, 不然会影响蛋糕的质感。
  5. 把面糊平均的倒入12个杯子, 把几汤匙的面糊倒入杯中, 然后在放一大匙的奶油乳酪面糊, 在中间。 (我建议大家可以用挤花袋把奶油乳酪挤入巧克力蛋糕体中, 比较容易控制)。
  6. 把蛋糕放入预热180'C的烤箱烤大概25分钟, 或直到奶油乳酪稍微上色。

Recipe adapted from Joy of Baking.

Cream Cheese Filling:
227 grams cream cheese, room temperature
65 grams ranulated white sugar
1 large egg
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Chocolate Cupcakes:
195 grams all purpose flour
200 grams granulated white sugar
30 grams natural unsweetened cocoa powder (not Dutch processed)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
240 ml water
80 ml corn or canola oil
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and line 12 muffin cups with paper liners.
2. Cream Cheese Filling: In your electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, beat the cream cheese until smooth.
3. Add the sugar, egg and vanilla extract and beat until creamy and smooth. Set aide while you make the Chocolate Cupcake batter.
 4. Chocolate Cupcakes: In a large bowl sift together the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt. In a separate bowl mix the water, oil, vinegar, and vanilla extract.
 5. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and stir in the wet ingredients until nice and smooth.
 6. Evenly divide the batter among the 12 muffin cups. Then spoon a few tablespoons of the cream cheese filling into the center of each cupcake.
 7. Bake in the preheated oven for about 25 minutes, or until the cream cheese filling is a little brown and the cupcakes feel springy to the touch (a toothpick inserted into the chocolate part of the cupcake will come out clean). Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool.
 8. The cupcakes can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 - 4 days.

Makes 12 large cupcakes
我很推荐的一道小蛋糕, 巧克力和乳酪的配搭真的擦出不同的火花。


  1. 感觉很漂亮的小蛋糕呢!

  2. 我也觉得很吸引人^^~

  3. 误打误撞也有它的好哦~

    蛋糕很吸引人哦,食谱我偷掉啦。。谢谢 ^^

  4. 像一朵朵含苞待放的花,美极了。


  5. Looks beautiful with the black and white.

  6. Oh.... I'd love to have some for supper now. I always like things like these, in layers with different flavours.

  7. Lovely! Although it never turn out just like expected, but it looks beautiful, the cheese part just looks like flower blooming on top of the cupcake :)

  8. 我闻到香味

  9. This cupcakes look like a blosom flower, very pretty. Choc and cream cheese, sounds like a good match.

  10. 平淡一生: 谢谢! 不过这个真的值得尝试, 风味独特的蛋糕。

    茄子: 好吃哦, 我家人都很喜欢。

    鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝: 算我幸运, 错了外形也不错。

    J.O: 你慢慢拿吧, 能跟大家分享是很开心的事情。

    娇娇: 明天我再做这个食谱, 希望可以做到正常的样子出来。

    Angel: 哈哈, 还被比喻成花哦, 也祝你中秋快乐!

    Anncoo: I love the colour combination too, makes such a great contrast.

    Wendy: Me too, I like those with marble effects also, because you won't know what you will get until you slice your cake.

    DG: Thanks! Really looks like a flower blooming, so surprise when I took it out from the oven :)

    Mr Lonely: Thanks for visiting. Will give your blog a visit :)

    PynnLee: 想不到蛋糕的魅力那么大, 还闻到香味哦, 要试哦。

    Hearty Bakes: Cream cheese and chocolate is really a good combination, I believe this cupcake will never let you down.

    Jess: 对呀, 虽然有错, 但是还好还是美美的, 没有让我失望。

  11. nice cupcake. i have never tried chocolate bottom cupcake. i have a general distaste of cupcakes due to the sweetness, and dullness. this is something new. probably you can start marketing it.

  12. 这也是在我的 to-do-list 里的蛋糕之一,刚刚上网看到有人做巧克力乳酪千层蛋糕,一层黑一层白的也是很漂亮

  13. Bacterium: I always reduce the amount of sugar in most of the recipes because I think they are too sweet for me. However, can't reduce too much also, because it will affect the texture of the cake.

    neyeeloh: 千层蛋糕哦, 好久没有做过了, 因为要用到很多鲜奶油, 感觉很肥, 下次有机会再做吧!

  14. Thanks Olivia! Try it out yourself and I believe you will love this :)

  15. hi,

    can replace the white vinegar with either rice or apple vinegar?


  16. MMMyen, yeah, I think it should not be a problem
