Sunday, September 19, 2010

花生酱, 自己来做吧! Homemade Peanut Butter

从小到大,有上课或上班的日子, 全麦面包都是我的早餐。 每次我都会涂牛油或者我最喜欢的花生酱, 涂到厚厚一层, 真的好好吃。 不过近几年, 因为想到为了健康的关系, 都只是涂薄薄一层就好了。 但是我还是觉得面包涂花生酱是最好吃的。 所以当我看到这样的食谱, 我就说这个我一定要试了。

 以前我很喜欢这样吃, 土司搽厚厚地花生酱。

花生酱也可以自制哦, 首先我是从杂志看到的, 然后在网上看到一些博客都尝试了, 觉得是时候我也来试一试吧。 材料最简单, 准备大概400g的花生和一些盐, 放去食物搅拌器 (food processor) 搅碎直到成为酱就可以了。

  • 400g 花生
  • 4g 盐
  1. 花生烤过后, 加入盐, 放入食物搅拌器搅碎, 直到成酱。 
  2. 花生酱完成后, 放入一个干净的罐子, 放入冰箱。 因为自制的花生酱放入冰箱后比较硬, 所以要用之前的10分钟先把它拿出来放, 到是用的时候就比较容易涂了。 

* 花生最好是找最新鲜的, 自己剥颗, 然后连皮一起拿去搅会保存它的天然油脂, 比较少机会被氧化。

* 为了让花生更入味, 花生事先要先烘烤一下, 大概用120'C烤 10-15分钟。 记得不要烤过久, 不然话声会有一些枯涩的味道。

* 这个食谱的花生酱是无糖的, 如果要稍微甜一些的话, 可以在花生酱完成后, 加入80g的蜜糖。 或者如果要有一些口感, 也可以加入一些花生碎粒。

Peanut Butter Recipe:
  • 400g roasted, skinned peanuts
  • 4g fine sea salt
  1. Process the peanuts to a smooth paste, using a blender (a high-powered blender will do it faster and better).
  2. Pause once halfway through blending to scrape the sided of the blender.

* The above recipe yields a smooth unsweetened peanut butter. For sweetened peanut butter, mix 80g honey after blending.

* For chunky peanut butter, add in 100g chopped, roasted peanuts after blending.

我做的是没有放油的, 不过我看到一些食谱的确有放花生油, 会比较香, 而且比较容易打, 因为花生碎比较容易黏合在一起成酱。

美味香浓, 无防腐剂的花生酱这样就完成了, 简单吧?

我的花生酱颜色跟外头买的真的差很多, 不过我觉得会比较香花生味。 自制的花生酱放在冰箱, 可以耐两个月都没有问题哦。

自制花生酱会比外面的健康很多, 因为外面卖的通常都会添加氢化植物油(hydrogenated vegetable oil)和反脂肪酸, 如果吃多, 真的对身体造成很大的负担。 所以还是自己做的吃得比较安心。


  1. 可以耐两个月那么久吗?

  2. Looks delicious! Never came a cross peanut butter with no oil before...I must give this a try!

  3. Min,
    You are so great to make homemade peanut butter ...
    Wow!! it look so delicous...
    the most important is healthy homemade peanut butter ...

  4. Min, homemade peanut butter can last so long ar, I though the shelf life is short thats why not dare to try. Thanks for sharing.

  5. min

  6. 鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝: 我在网上读到的资料是说可以放在冰箱收两个月哦。 不过每次拿的时候就一定要用干净的汤匙, 这样才不会那么容易坏。

    Allie: I'm curious about this too initially, but it really works. It's a much more healthier version compared to those selling outside.

    ~董夫人~: Actually it's not troublesome to make it our own, just spend some time and you can a bottle full of peanut butter.

    Jess: The peanut butter can last for 2 months, as long as we keep it in the fridge, this is what I read from the internet. Try it ya!

    Pynn: 我觉得加了蜜糖会比较好一些, 如果只是花生的话, 我自己有点接受不来。 不过我觉得如果要跟外面买的味道一样, 就有点难, 因为外面的都加了很多色素调味之类的。

    Wendy: Actually not that tough, just a bit of work :)

  7. Dear Min
    I am interested to know how to make peanut butter homemade - would you be kind to put your recipe in English?

    MAny thanks
    Leen of Australia

  8. 单单看颜色我还以为是巧克力酱。这个是原汁原味,很好。谢谢分享。

    我之前买了花生本来也想自己做花生酱的 (我的食谱是有加糖和油的),但是凑巧妈妈和老公都买了花生酱,家里现在有两大罐,所以暂时不会做了。

  9. wow...creamily goood! I love peanut butter spread on my bread. I have never tried home-made peanut butter, gonna try after seeing yours.

  10. Leen: Sure, no problem, I will post the recipe in English later.

    bacterium: Hehe, after you try this yourself, you will get in love with it and won't buy from me already, because it's too easy to make on your own.

    Angel: 我的颜色真的跟外面的差很远, 不过还是味道最重要。 等你吃完你买的才开始做吧!

    Hearty Bakes: Ya, this one is good, just a bit hard to spread it on bread, so remember to let it be in room temperature before using.

  11. Tried it on last tasted really weird to be honest :/

  12. 连花生酱也可自制,厉害 !

  13. Bethany: It's pure peanut butter, of course it's different compared with the commercial one sold outside. Next time I add more honey for you, maybe really not sweet enough.

    neyeeloh: 有那个food processor 什么都搞定了, 很简单。

  14. Hi Min, 祝妳和家人过个快乐温馨的中秋节!
