去年第一次做黄梨饼, 黄梨馅也是自己弄的, 蛮有成就感的。 因此今年第一个烘烤的年饼就非它莫属了。 只是这次做的造型不一样, 虽然比较费时间, 但是一口就能吃到厚厚的黄梨酱了, 很满足吧? 其实两个都有它们的特色, 就看你比较钟意那一个了。
做出60+ 粒
- 奶油 (室温)200g
- 糖粉 (过筛)125g
- 蛋黄 2个
- 牛奶 2Tbsp
- 普通面粉 400g
- 奶油和糖粉搅拌均匀, 分次加入蛋黄液, 拌匀。 加入牛奶, 拌匀。
- 筛入面粉, 形成面团。 面团放着10分钟才开始操作。
- 取一半的面团, 擀成5-6mm的厚度, 用模型压出形状, 摆放在烤盘。
- 把黄梨酱馅搓圆后, 放在上边。
- 放入预热180‘C的烤箱, 烤大概15分钟或到稍微金黄色。
Pineapple Tarts (with Homemade Pineapple Jam)
Source: Table for 2....or more
Makes around 125-150 pcs ( I managed to get 60+ pieces only)
- 200gm salted butter, softened
- 125gm icing sugar, sifted
- 2 egg yolks
- 2 Tbsp milk
- 400gm plain flour
Filling: Pineapple jam as needed
1. Mix butter and sugar until just combined. Add in egg yolks and mix until smooth. Add in milk and mix until well combined.
2. Pour in flour and mix to form a dough. Do not knead. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes.
3. Take half the dough and roll out to about 5 or 6 mm thick. Press with preferred cookie cutter. Arrange the cookies neatly next to each other.
4. Fill up the tarts with jam and decorate according to preference, or just leave it bare.
5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for around 15 minutes or until sides are slightly golden.
1. Mix butter and sugar until just combined. Add in egg yolks and mix until smooth. Add in milk and mix until well combined.
2. Pour in flour and mix to form a dough. Do not knead. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes.
3. Take half the dough and roll out to about 5 or 6 mm thick. Press with preferred cookie cutter. Arrange the cookies neatly next to each other.
4. Fill up the tarts with jam and decorate according to preference, or just leave it bare.
5. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for around 15 minutes or until sides are slightly golden.
如果要动手做黄梨饼, 我还是建议自己煮黄梨馅吧, 因为这次再次尝试, 真的觉得没有太难。 过程大概1-2个小时, 但是不用一直看火, 大概每个5分钟注意一下就可以了, 而且出来的成品真的比外面用香精的好很多。 这次的造型真的费了不少的时间, 可能我的模型不是太好, 所以印出来没有很美, 还有黄梨饼上面那几条装饰, 不要看轻它, 我也是花了很多心思, 少一些耐性也不行。
如果要选择的话, 我还是喜欢去年的造型,做法比较简单, 而且小小一粒, 很方便吃。 这次的其实也不错, 只是需要多些心思与耐性, 多多练习, 才会做得更好。
I’m submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone Jan & Feb 2015 Event Theme: My Homemade Cookies organized by Fion of XuanHom’s Mom and co-hosted by Victoria Bakes
I’m submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone Jan & Feb 2015 Event Theme: My Homemade Cookies organized by Fion of XuanHom’s Mom and co-hosted by Victoria Bakes
all time classic tarts and cookie for the CNY... always a hit amongst visitors. very pretty tarts! love to invite you to link this up to Best Recipes that i am co-hosting with Fion (of XuanHom mum) for this month
hope to see you soon :)
Yeah, I linked up already, thanks for inviting!
ReplyDelete哈哈, 趁我还没有偷懒的时候就做黄梨酱, 比较有满足感。
谢谢妳链接最棒食谱,期待您的更多分享 :)
谢谢! 自己做的怎样也比较安心, 健康, 值得!
ReplyDelete来,听听我的掌声,po,po,po,po...............你好有耐心! 而且是自炒内馅,你好棒!
谢谢你热烈的掌声, 哈哈。 这个饼干还真的可以锻炼耐心!