Monday, January 19, 2009

新年饼之二:Mocha Cookies

这个是第二次弄了,所以过程都会比较上手。 喜欢这个食谱, 因为过程都很简单, 而且我特别喜欢制作饼干的过程。 慢慢地去印出花样, 然后再把一颗颗的巧克力放上去, 呵呵, 真的很靠耐心, 不过我就是喜欢这样的东西。虽然说是莫卡的味道, 但是饼干并没有很浓的咖啡味道, 我在想是不是我放的咖啡精不够浓。

难得有不错的饼干, 跟大家分享食谱, 是从蓝阿姨的食谱书拿来的。
A: 250g butter/marjerin
120g castor sugar
1 egg yolk
1 1/2 tsp coffee essence
B: 420g flour
60g chocolate rice
Decoration: Chocolate chips
1. Cream butter and sugar till fluffy, mix in egg yolk and coffee paste till well-combined.
2. Mix in ingredients B and form a dought.
3. Roll dough into 3mm thick, cut with cookie cutter. Decorate center with chocolate chips.
4. Bake in preheated oven at 180'C for 15-20 minutes.
其实我不是每次弄饼干都会成功, 前一天弄了一个很‘糟糕’的饼干, 呵呵, 我也不懂怎么形容。 我弄的是所谓的绿豆饼。自己买了绿豆然后用blender磨成粉。 不过出来的成品真的让人灰心, 饼干太甜了, 而且我觉得我的绿豆磨得不够幼,所以口感没有那么好。 再加上我饼干上刷蛋黄液, 烘出来竟然是难看的巧克力色, 真的气死我了。 呵呵, 不过算了吧, 当作一个经验吧, 下次我不要在尝试啦。


  1. wei.. very nice la.. hehe... this is ur 2nd time, sure sap sap sui la.. hehe...

  2. Wah, make again, sure very nice.. Go your house to eat during cny.. Haha!

  3. ChiewAng: Not difficult la, but spent some time to shape the can try at home la, so easy :)

    SuWei: Hehe, come la welcome you to my house, will make more cookies later...

  4. wah..i think i'll bake this after CNY lah..coz now vry tired already..hehe..really nice lah..but i think i nd to purposely buy coffee essence..hey..u really vry patience in doing this..vry nice..iwant to eat, sze min..haha

    *wah..ur oven is big one is it?

  5. 不是幫你買了一本麵包食譜,怎麼一直在用餅乾,還好台灣過年零食多到買不完,一點都不會自己想用餅乾ㄟ

  6. CHV: Hehe, if got chance, let you try :)

    Joo: You can make your own coffee essence, just mix coffee powder with little water, no need to buy it purposely. Yes, my oven is quite big, bought long time ago, really very 'tahan', hehe...

    Ling: 现在新年都忙着弄饼干, 所以弄面包要等新年过后了吧, 我们这里零食也不少, 不过自己弄的有所不同, 放了很多心思, 还有那个过程也不错啊。

  7. this looks nice. tastes nice also? :P i guess so..
