这个食谱 ‘排队’好久了, 终于可以上场了。 我用的是蒙老师的食谱, 跟一般面包的做法比较, 算比较简单, 因为不用发酵第二次。
贝果是犹太人的传统食物, 是嚼劲十足的面包。 真正的贝果我没有吃过, 所以我也不知道自己的成品是否成功。 不过它的做法还蛮特别的, 整形后的面团, 需要放入沸腾的热水川烫一下, 以达到面团瞬间糊化的作用, 烘烤后的成品才会呈现光泽的外表。
- Cheddar cheese 1片
- 高筋面粉 300g
- 细糖 10g
- 盐 1/2tsp
- 即溶酵母 1tsp
- 水 160ml
- 水 1500ml
- 细糖 50g
- Cheddar cheese撕碎, 和A其他材料全部混合, 用慢速搅拌成团, 再用高速搅拌成光滑具延展性的面团。
- 面团放入容器, 并盖上保鲜膜, 进行基本发酵约60分钟。
- 面团分割成5份, 滚圆后用手指在面团中间弄一个洞, 接着用手指拉出环状, 松弛越 10-15分钟。
- 材料B煮沸, 把面团正面放沸水中川烫30秒 (原本是5秒, 我自己更改的), 立即反面继续川烫30秒, 接着捞出面团, 放入烤盘。
- 放入预热上火200'C, 下火160烘烤大概20分钟。 (我的烤箱没有分上下火, 所以我用180'C)
贝果出炉后, 可以切一半,抹上喜欢的酱料, 再加上一些鸡蛋, 火腿片就可以上桌了。

I have never eaten a bagel and am very tempted to try making this.
ReplyDeletei like ur pic :)
ReplyDeletei dont like bagel. still prefer our asian bread.
娇娇: 谢谢! 这个属于比较硬的面包, 有机会你自己试试看就知道了。
ReplyDelete鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝: 哈哈, 我觉得是那些馅料比较吸引我, 热量应该会很高。
美牙: 因为weekday都没时间弄, 所以特别珍惜周末的时间, 可以慢慢的用心弄早餐。
Wendy: I also haven't tried the true bagel before, so don't know whether mine is the right texture or taste or not, hehe.
Jane: Me too actually. We are too used to those soft bread, this one is just a bit too hard...
that looks like a donut from far. i'm a big fan of donut but not bagel. instead of using ham, maybe you can use bacon..
ReplyDeletethis looks like donut sandwich, looks good.
bacterium: Haha, I like donut too, but haven't tried baking donut before. Actually I prefer bacon to ham also, however, I only have ham in my fridge that time.
ReplyDeletesquall: 没错啊, 其实这个算比较健康的面包, 因为都没有放到油, 很适合注重健康的朋友们。
Jess: Although looks like donut, the texture is totally different, next time I will try to bake donut :)
Pynn: 请你吃一个! 我每次都喜欢把很多馅料夹在里面, 有一个很丰富的早餐!
我上次也是用这个食谱,觉得很特别,后来在 Rachel Allen Bake 的 show 说放沸水中川烫越久越有嚼劲。
ReplyDeleteI like bagel but not my kids and hubby as they said it is too hard. Your recipe sound simple than that one i tried earlier. And love the way you serve your bagel, look pretty delicious!
ReplyDeleteneyeeloh: 我也是有在网上看一些食谱, 都会放在沸水中烫蛮久的, 所以我就延长了那个时间。
ReplyDeleteSonia: This one is really simple, that's why I gave it a try. However, they turned really hard the next day, so it's better to finish it on the same day.