我是从网上看别人的游记, 才知道有这个Amphawa水上市场。 因为如果在网上看的资料, 很多人都是会去另一个比较大的 Damnoen Saduak 水上市场。 Damnoen Saduak 水上市场去年的时候到过了, 所以这次读到Amphawa, 就觉得非去不可, 呵呵, 而且还打算了要在那边过夜, 体验一下那边的环境。
从Meaklong铁道市场, 我们就在7-11旁边那里搭song-khew去到 Amphawa (อัมพวา). 其实我们本来也不知道在那里搭的, 后来问当地的人, 他们都很热心解说。 那边坐Song-khew去到Amphawa水上市场, 一个人只是8baht, 大概15分钟就到了。
先说这个水上市场, 只有在星期五, 六和日下午有营业而已, 所以这个水上市场都吸引很多泰国人, 周末的时候到那里度假。 因为那里不多外国的游客, 所以英语是不通的, 所以有时候难免需要比手化脚, 还蛮有趣的。
我们去之前预先在网上订了住的地方, 不过也是有点难度。 其实住宿的选择蛮多的, 只是很多网站只有泰文解说, 再不然就是需要付订金的。 还好最后找到一个蛮不错的, 而且还是在河畔的。 如果大家有去那边的话, 可以参考这间哦, 是唯一有回复我电邮的, 那间有一个会讲英文的女生叫Marika.

我们住的是4人的房间, 一晚2000baht。 可以电邮预订, 不用付订金。

其实我们到那边的时候还很早, 所以水上市场没有太多的人潮, 但是已经很多档口在做生意了。 我们沿着走廊慢慢走, 河边很多卖吃的船只, 而且很多都是烧烤海鲜噢。

我们选了其中一个档口, 然后老板为我们找来4张小椅子和桌子, 就这样做在河边, 好特别的感觉。 因为那边的人都不懂英文, 所以我们点菜也是用‘指’的, 呵呵, 看到那个喜欢就点给他们看, 这样的场景还蛮有趣的。

我们就这样慢慢的逛,慢慢的拍照, 看到喜欢的小吃就买来试, 这种感觉真的好好。 没有时间的约束, 放下一切的负担与烦恼, 这一切都是我旅行的意义。
到了晚上, 我们找了一家餐厅吃晚餐, 有点像我们这里的民歌餐厅, 有歌手驻唱的。 这样的情景让我想起以前大学的日子, 总是很期待到民歌餐厅喝茶听歌, 那种心情是很放松享受的。 这晚唱的虽然全都是泰文歌曲, 但是那个气氛还是很好的。

晚上的Amphawa还是蛮热闹的。 其实晚上在那里还可以坐船去看萤火虫, 不过听说整个过程大概1个小时多, 再加上我们在其他地方也看过了, 所以就没有参加了。

待续:宁静的Amphawa 早晨+ 和尚化缘
ReplyDeleteJoceline: 原来你都很常去泰国, 好羡慕, 其实现在我都好想再去曼谷, 真的好好玩。
ReplyDelete平淡一生: 那里的椰子雪糕真的跟这里不一样, 这里找不到的, 好怀念那个味道。
鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝: 哈哈, 你有拼命吃哦, 我都吃一次而已, 本来还想晚上再买, 但是那时候太饱了, 好可惜。
I also like amphawa very much, is a relaxing and peaceful place, yet with lots of interesting goods and food.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot about the room service massage part? But i find it too stressful, haha, next time i wanna choose normal massage and not thai massage la.
Another interesting part is the offerings to thai monk session, i saw one of the big size monk smiled when sze queen stood beside him to snap photos.
Mindy: Ya, I like Amphawa floating market much more than the others floating market, maybe this one is not so commercialized. Ya, I left out the massage part, hehe. I think the Thai massage is quite okay, and cheap also. As the offering for monk, it's indeed a good experience, but we were a bit 'kelam-kabut' at first because no one there to teach us how to do...
ReplyDeleteHow interesting, I hv been staying in Bangkok for a while but never heard of this place. Got to check it out!
Looks like you guys have a great trip to Thailand this round. So nice~ Hope to see more pictures from your trip soon.
ReplyDeleteI really like Amphawa, like their relaxing and peaceful ambience, the people there are nice, though they don't speak English :)It reminds me of our Chiangmai's trip, especially the stay at Julie's. You can do whatever you want, lots of freedom. Aww.....I really miss Thailand a lot :D
ReplyDeleteSerena: This is a place not to be missed if you are going Bangkok. It's relaxing and fun.
ReplyDeletebacterium: Ya, really enjoy my trip there, and hope I can go back Bangkok very soon.
Angeline: I really like traveling Thailand, especially Amphawa and ChiangMai. Hope we can go back ChiangMai very soon, wanna visit Pai..and also Lopburi for the sunflowers.
neyeeloh: 哈哈, 那边的河水没有那么干净, 所以可能他也不想去游泳吧, 不过真的是一个很不错的地方, 很推荐!
albee妈咪: 很庆幸给我找到这个地方,让这次的旅程生色不少哦。
Yeah...I wish to visit Chiang Mai again, wanna go to Pai. And also wish to be back to Bangkok, and go for Lophuri sunflowers, can't resist Thailand. I checked from the web, there are lots of nice cafes at Pai and also a very unique huge wooden ferris wheeel. So special :D Gotta be alert on AA free tickets now, hehe...
ReplyDeleteAngeline, I think you are addicted to Thailand already, even got information on Pai. Okay, lets look out for the low fares, hope we can go Bangkok or ChiangMai end of next year, can't wait already :)
ReplyDeleteIt's so wonderful seeing another part of the world without travelling. Your pics brought alive the places you went.
ReplyDeletei love travelling. Travelled quite abit way before my children came along. Reading your posting makes me wanna fly to those places. Bring me along next time k hehe...
Jessie: I love traveling very much, and feel lucky to have a few good friends to travel together, I think they really make the whole trip more interesting. Need to save more money now for my trips next year :)