这个甜点一直以来都是我的最爱之一, 尤其是下午茶的时候, 拿它跟咖啡来搭配, 就可以嗅到简单又幸福的味道了。 当初我买 Flavours杂志的时候, 就是被这个封面甜点吸引住的, 过后我还成为了这本杂志的忠实读者。 喜欢它杂志里头的照片, 都拍得很有感觉, 不过食谱呢, 很多都是只有欣赏的份, 因为不是材料有点难找, 就是做法对我这个初学者来说有点难。 不过我还是很喜欢这份杂志,感觉每期都有不同的惊喜, 内容很丰富。
麦片杏仁蔓越莓脆饼 (改编自Flavours Nov-Dec 2010)
蛋白 100g
细海盐 1/4tsp
细糖 75g (我减到60g)
蛋黄 1个
香草精 1/4tsp
1个柠檬的柠檬削 (我没放)
普通面粉 150g
发粉 1tsp
豆蔻粉 (Ground cardamom) 1tsp
燕麦片 (rolled oats) 50g
蔓越莓干 75g
椰子条 (Haiwaii sweetened shredded coconut) 30g
开心果 (我用杏仁豆取代), 烘烤过 100g
- 蛋白加入盐打发, 分次加入糖, 直到硬性发泡。
- 加入蛋黄,搅拌均匀。
- 加入香草精和柠檬削。
- 分3次筛入混合好的(B)材料。
- 用刮刀稍微拌匀, 成为一个黏手的面团。
- 把面团形成长条状, 放入预热160'C的烤箱, 烤大概20-25分钟。
- 取出, 待凉后, 切片成 5mm厚。
- 切片后再放入烤盘, 用150'C烤大概 25分钟, 中途取出转换方向, 让饼干可以烤均匀。
这个脆饼比我之前做的多了一些口感, 因为加了燕麦片和椰子丝, 所以风味大大的提升了。 其实喜欢这个脆饼给人一种很朴实的感觉, 虽然看起来没有太吸引人, 但是跟咖啡配搭起来, 确实让人惊艳不已。
可以拿来磨牙! **让牙齿更坚固 **
我喜欢比较薄的, 所以切 5mm, 如果要厚点也可以, 不用切得那么辛苦。
而且这个配方没有加入奶油, 所以算比较健康的一个选择。 再加上它可以收比较久, 所以我接下来的下午茶都会有着落了。
用排排坐的脆饼, 预祝大家元宵节快乐! 中国情人节大家都要幸福快乐!
very beautifully done!
ReplyDelete“让牙齿更坚固”~ 哈哈哈哈!我笑弯了腰哦~ 你真幽默!
j3ss: Thanks ya!
ReplyDeletePink Lady: 哈哈, 那句话有没有很像牛奶粉的广告? 是我突发奇想的。 不会太硬, 因为我吃过更硬, 而且一定要点咖啡来吃那种, 所以这个算还好。
e 起打开幸福滋味: 对呀, 很多料到名字都是长长的。
Rachel: 谢谢噢! 有机会试试看吧。 元宵节快乐!
鲸鱼: 我的Flavours现在是订阅的噢, 真的中毒了, 反而旅游杂志我很少买, 都是网上挖资料的。
Bernice: 都说磨牙啦, 哈哈。 其实有些配方不会太硬的, 还是点咖啡吃, 比较软.
ReplyDeletePretty & thinly sliced! Bet they must be crispy & yummy :)
請問你用的是甚麼刀? very pretty biscuit shape
ReplyDeleteit look very yummy! so nicely and uniformly sliced! (: (:
ReplyDelete我还没做过biscott。。。 看到有我喜爱的材料。。。我的手又开始痒痒了。;DD
ReplyDeleteCaThY: Thanks! This is really crispy, served best with a cup of hot coffee.
ReplyDeleteQi Qi: 其实切得有点辛苦, 不过都是值得的, 呵呵。
Anonymous: 我是用面包刀, 长那种来切得, 每次切的时候在刀上抹一些油, 会比较容易切噢。
The Sweetylicious: Thanks! I prefer them to be thinly sliced, so that it's easy to bite :)
Anncoo: 做吧! 或许你就会开始爱上biscotti了 :)
苏联妈妈: 推荐给你噢, 如果你喜欢比较有口感的脆饼。
Look like we are the Flavours food magazine gang , hehehe. I also book marked this recipe but have yet to give a try, I must try soon. Thanks for reminding me. Happy Chap Goh May!
ReplyDeletelooking at the recipe, i think the taste of this biscotti is kind of special with diff.varieties of fillings.
ReplyDeletemin 你好~ 很喜欢你的blog, 谢谢你康慨的分享食谱。 我看了你这个食谱后发现你是因为这美丽biscotti封面的falvor 杂志而成为flavor 拥护者, 我也是哦~ :D 很喜欢看这本杂志, 光看图片已经很enjoy 了~
ReplyDeleteSonia: Yeah, give me five! I really love reading the magazines, I have a lot more of their recipes to try out.
ReplyDeletelena: Ya, the biscotti is considered very rich in flavour, a bit different from those conventional ones.
Angelic Heart~: 哇, 原来这个杂志有不少的用户者噢, 我每次也是喜欢拿来翻看照片, 都拍得很漂亮。
Little Ghost: 希望你会喜欢这个食谱, 尝试了再来分享哦!
I can imagine I have a piece of your biscotti with a cup of expresso and loving it.
ReplyDeleteHey QPC! I love biscotti with a cup of hot coffee also :)
ReplyDeletegreat combination. Love the crunch from almond and the chewy from cranberry. Love the way you slice them thinly. I have yet to try biscostti Min, after seeing many of yours i'm so tempted to try. More so when you mentioned it goes well with a cup of coffee, i like~
ReplyDeleteJessie, I prefer to slice them thinly, so I can eat them without dipping in coffee also. However, biscotti really goes well with coffee, I'm loving it :)
ReplyDeletewow very attractive and tempting, can bring some biscotti for me to try next month? haha
ReplyDeleteMindy, you like biscotti also? Hehe, if got time, I will bring some when we meet in April, but it's best served together with coffee. You don't like coffee right :)